2016-09-20 165 views

我已經在這裏看到這個問題的很多答案,但我仍然沒有得到它(可能是因爲他們使用更多「複雜」的例子)... 所以即時嘗試做的是「客戶」模式,它將有兩個字段嵌套「子字段」,以及其他可能重複的字段。這裏就是我的意思是:貓鼬模式中的嵌套對象

let customerModel = new Schema({ 
    firstName: String, 
    lastName: String, 
    company: String, 
    contactInfo: { 
     tel: [Number], 
     email: [String], 
     address: { 
      city: String, 
      street: String, 
      houseNumber: String 

電話:電子郵件可能是一個數組。 和地址不會重複,但有一些子字段,你可以看到。



var mongoose = require('mongoose'); 


var CustomerModel = mongoose.model('CustomerModel', { 
    firstName: String, 
    lastName: String, 
    company: String, 
    connectInfo: { 
     tel: [Number], 
     email: [String], 
     address: { 
      city: String, 
      street: String, 
      houseNumber: String 

//create a record 
var customer = new CustomerModel({ 
    firstName: 'Ashish', 
    lastName: 'Suthar', 
    company: 'asis', 
    connectInfo: { 
     tel: [12345,67890], 
     email: ['[email protected]','[email protected]'], 
     address: { 
      city: 'x', 
      street: 'y', 
      houseNumber: 'x-1' 

//insert customer object 
customer.save((err,cust) => { 
    if(err) return console.error(err); 

    //this will print inserted record from database 

// display any data from CustomerModel 
CustomerModel.findOne({firstName:'Ashish'}, (err,cust) => { 
    if(err) return console.error(err); 

    //to print stored data 
    console.log(cust.connectInfo.tel[0]); //output 12345 

//update inner record 
    {firstName: 'Ashish'}, 
    {$set: {"connectInfo.tel.0": 54320}} 

如何做到這一點任何意見: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48753436/dynamic-mongodb-schema-object-creation-in-angularjs – CodeHunter

// address model 
    var addressModelSchema = new Schema({ 
       city: String, 
       street: String, 
       houseNumber: String}) 
    mongoose.model('address',addressModelSchema ,'address') 

// contactInfo model 
     var contactInfoModelSchema = new Schema({ 
      tel: [Number], 
      email: [String], 
      address : { 
        type : mongoose.Schema.Type.ObjectId, 
    mongoose.model('contactInfo ',contactInfoModelSchema ,'contactInfo ') 

// customer model 
    var customerModelSchema = new Schema({ 
     firstName: String, 
     lastName: String, 
     company: String, 
     contactInfo : { 
    type : mongoose.Schema.Type.ObjectId, 
    ref:'contactInfo ' 
    mongoose.model('customer',customerModelSchema ,'customer') 

//add new address then contact info then the customer info 
// it is better to create model for each part. 

對此有何評論: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48753436/dynamic-mongodb-schema-object-creation-in-angularjs – CodeHunter