2016-12-02 112 views

我有一個腳本,我經常在工作中使用該腳本來顯示用戶帳戶上的所有活動同步設備。我需要Activesync啓用或禁用用戶列表,所以我編輯了第一個腳本。然而,現在它循環了很多次,如果我把可隱藏的頭引起來的話它會循環更多次。我在這段代碼中導致循環的錯誤是什麼?我將把我需要幫助的代碼放在第一位,然後我將從下面複製的工作代碼放在那裏。Exchange Powershell腳本循環



#Settings for file ouput 
$fLocation = "D:\Exchange Reports\" 

#Read OU imput from console: 
$OU = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the OU name to search: (0202 - Dev Bank)" 

#lookup users based on the OU 
$Ulist = Get-CASMailbox -organizationalunit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=CSIDMZ,DC=local" -ResultSize Unlimited 

foreach ($user in $Ulist) 
     $aSyncUser = Get-CASMailbox -organizationalunit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=ThisIsMyDC,DC=local" | where { $_.ActiveSyncEnabled -eq 'True'} | ft name, activesyncenabled -autosize 

     if ($aSyncUser -ne $null) 
       $deviceID = $aSyncUser | out-string 
       $Content = "User: $user $deviceID" 
       Add-Content $fName $Content 


    write-host "The script completed successfully! The output file can be found at $fName" -ForeGroundColor Yellow 


#Settings for file ouput 
$fLocation = "D:\Exchange Reports\" 

#Read OU imput from console: 
$OU = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the OU name to search: (0202 - Dev Bank)" 

#lookup users based on the OU 
$Ulist = get-mailbox -OrganizationalUnit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=ThisIsMyDC,DC=local" -ResultSize Unlimited 

foreach ($user in $Ulist) 
     $aSyncUser = get-activesyncdevice -mailbox $user.SAMAccountName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |ft DeviceID -HideTableHeaders 

     if ($aSyncUser -ne $null) 
       $deviceID = $aSyncUser | out-string 
       $Content = "User: $user $deviceID" 
       Add-Content $fName $Content 

    write-host "The script completed successfully! The output file can be found at $fName" -ForeGroundColor Yellow 


User: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.FormatStartData 
Name    ActiveSyncEnabled 
----    ----------------- 
Judy X Langford    True 

User: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.GroupStartData 
Name    ActiveSyncEnabled 
----    ----------------- 
Judy X Langford    True 


User: Domain.local/Hosted Exchange Customers/This is my OU/Sharla x Ryan 
Name    ActiveSyncEnabled 
----    ----------------- 
Judy X Langford    True 
Sandy X Stuckey    True 
0718 test      True 
Shelby D Hansche    True 
Toni X Brooks     True 
Katie X Strain    True 
Monica Minter     True 
Chloe X Mims     True 
Jay X Davis     True 
Aaron Calvit     True 
Joe Nichols     True 
Sherry X Rice     True 
Tracey X Wardlaw    True 
Brad X Davis     True 
Chris X Lannom    True 
Haley X Burleson    True 
Cody X Deal     True 
Cris X Day     True 
Mitch X Stone     True 

User: Domain.local/Hosted Exchange Customers/This is my OU/Judy X Langford 
Name    ActiveSyncEnabled 
----    ----------------- 
Judy X Langford    True 

接受馬特的建議,我在$ user.samaccountname行添加了回來。這打破了輸出,所以我不得不這樣做,但現在它激勵我需要什麼。

#lookup users based on the OU 

Get-CASMailbox -OrganizationalUnit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=CSIDMZ,DC=local" -ResultSize unlimited | select name,activesyncenabled >>$fLocation+$OU+"_ActiveSyncEnabled.txt" 

foreach ($user in $Ulist) 
     $aSyncUser = get-activesyncdevice -mailbox $user.SAMAccountName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |ft name, activesyncenabled -HideTableHeaders 

     if ($aSyncUser -ne $null) 
       $deviceID = $aSyncUser | out-string 
       $Content = "User: $user $deviceID" 
       Add-Content $fName $Content 

請遵循[SSCCE](http://sscce.org/)的建議。 –


對不起比爾,我加了我認爲問題發生的地方。我不知道爲什麼我沒有說這一開始。 – Tekwhat


僅僅說出你認爲問題出在哪裏是不夠的。重新開始編寫一個小腳本,其中只包含重現問題所需的最少量代碼。仔細閱讀我發佈的鏈接。 –




$aSyncUser = Get-CASMailbox -organizationalunit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=ThisIsMyDC,DC=local" | where { $_.ActiveSyncEnabled -eq 'True'} | ft name, activesyncenabled -autosize 
  1. 你沒有得到一個用戶的很大一部分。您每次都會在該OU中獲得全部用戶。我無法想象這就是你要做的。
  2. 您對Format-Table的使用僅僅是要求問題。看看我的回答關於這一主題在這裏How can I store output from Format-Table for later use




這個想法是生成一個已啓用Activesync的OU中的所有用戶的列表。我得到的結果是正確的,但它爲每個用戶重演。星期一我重新開始工作,向大家展示我正在談論的內容時,我會舉一個例子。 – Tekwhat


Matt,我用這個例子更新了OP。 – Tekwhat


@Tekwhat你看過我的回答嗎?特別指出1.是否所有的用戶都在這個OU中返回? – Matt