2014-04-05 53 views

我一直在接受這個錯誤已經有一段時間了。我有一個我想在heroku中託管的laravel 4應用程序。我已經創建了heroku應用程序,現在正在嘗試使用git push heroku master將我的應用程序推送到heroku。以下是結果。在heroku中託管laravel 4應用程序

C:\xampp\htdocs\pos>git push heroku master 
Fetching repository, done. 
Counting objects: 83, done. 
Delta compression using up to 2 threads. 
Compressing objects: 100% (59/59), done. 
Writing objects: 100% (60/60), 342.76 KiB | 69.00 KiB/s, done. 
Total 60 (delta 40), reused 0 (delta 0) 

-----> Fetching custom git buildpack... done 
-----> PHP app detected 
Build dir is /tmp/build_5b1c5fb6-fa85-4a48-b2a8-127574aeb681 
-----> Extracting Apache 2.4.7 PHP 5.5.9 build 2.0-rc1 
-----> from http://vulcan-wlian.herokuapp.com/output/e33fbffa-c4ca-4752-8b1c-9ebc49366a1c 
Creating Slug Identifier file with id: d325104734915692ee9e8f4189c08e21 
Installing Composer binary 
#!/usr/bin/env php 
All settings correct for using Composer 

Composer successfully installed to: /tmp/build_5b1c5fb6-fa85-4a48-b2a8-127574aeb681/bin/composer.phar 
Use it: php bin/composer.phar 
Installing Composer dependencies 
Loading composer repositories with package information 
Installing dependencies 
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. 

    Problem 1 
    - Installation request for barryvdh/laravel-migration-generator dev-master -> satisfiable by barryvdh/laravel-migration-generator[dev-master]. 
    - barryvdh/laravel-migration-generator dev-master requires way/generators 1.x -> no matching package found. 
    Problem 2 
    - Installation request for zizaco/entrust dev-master -> satisfiable by zizaco/entrust[dev-master]. 
    - zizaco/confide 2.0.0.b1 requires laravelbook/ardent 1.1.x -> satisfiable by laravelbook/ardent[v1.1.0]. 
    - zizaco/confide 2.0.0a1 requires laravelbook/ardent 1.1.x -> satisfiable by laravelbook/ardent[v1.1.0]. 
    - zizaco/confide 2.0.0b4 requires laravelbook/ardent 2.1.x -> satisfiable by laravelbook/ardent[v2.1.0]. 
    - zizaco/confide 2.0.0b2 requires laravelbook/ardent 2.1.x -> satisfiable by laravelbook/ardent[v2.1.0]. 
    - zizaco/confide 2.0.0b3 requires laravelbook/ardent 2.1.x -> satisfiable by laravelbook/ardent[v2.1.0]. 
    - Can only install one of: laravelbook/ardent[v1.1.0, dev-master]. 
    - Can only install one of: laravelbook/ardent[dev-master, v1.1.0]. 
    - Can only install one of: laravelbook/ardent[v2.1.0, dev-master]. 
    - Can only install one of: laravelbook/ardent[dev-master, v2.1.0]. 
    - zizaco/entrust dev-master requires laravelbook/ardent dev-master -> satisfiable by laravelbook/ardent[dev-master]. 
    - Conclusion: don't install laravelbook/ardent dev-master 
    - Installation request for zizaco/confide 2.0.x -> satisfiable by zizaco/confide[2.0.0.b1, 2.0.0a1, 2.0.0b2, 2.0.0b3, 2.0.0b4]. 

Potential causes: 
- A typo in the package name 
- The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting 
    see <https://groups.google.com/d/topic/composer-dev/_g3ASeIFlrc/discussion> for more details. 

Read <http://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/troubleshooting.md> for further common problems. 

!  Push rejected, failed to compile PHP app 

To [email protected]:ckpos.git 
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) 
error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:ckpos.git' 



我會刪除發電機拉拉維爾作曲家包,它在過去導致我一些問題。我認爲問題在於最新版本的軟件包正在請求您擁有的不同版本的laravel。你應該找到和你一樣的laravel版本。你也確定它在當地工作嗎? – user391986


哇!我的回購在幾天前成功推出,今天我也遇到同樣的錯誤。我現在認爲這是因爲託管buildpack回購的變化。如果您找到解決方案,請更新。 – Augiwan


我找到了解決方案!現在發帖.. – Augiwan



解決了它。只需切換回舊的buildpack。 轉到您的應用程序目錄,其中你做git push heroku master和類型:

Heroku的配置:設置BUILDPACK_URL =混帳://github.com/winglian/heroku-buildpack-php.git#mpm-event-php55 -fpm

當我很久以前將buildpack url設置爲主分支時,我有這種有趣的感覺。那麼我應該做到這一點。無論如何,一個教訓。



如果您仍然遇到問題,請嘗試更舊的buildpack - heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL = git://github.com/winglian/heroku-buildpack-php.git#mpm-event-php-fpm – Augiwan