如何解決以下問題。我試圖通過使用它的x和y組件(嵌入在c和r中)創建矢量distvec和magvec,同時附加z個dimiensions。matlab ???下標分配維度不匹配
for pxRow = 1:h % fixed pixel row
for pxCol = 1:w % fixed pixel column
for r = 1:h % row of distant pixel
for c = 1:w % column of distant pixel
R(c,r) = sqrt((r-pxRow)^2 + (c-pxCol)^2); % pythagoras theorem to get distance to each pixel
O(c,r) = sqrt(Ox(c,r).^2 + Oy(c,r).^2); % orientation vector
If(c,r) = sqrt((dx(c,r)).^2 + (dy(c,r)).^2); % magnitude of current
Rxs(c,r) = R(c,r)./norm(R(c,r)); % unit vector from x to s
dist(c,r) = Rxs(c,r)./R(c,r);
mag(c,r) = O(c,r).*If(c,r);
distvec(c,r) = [dist(c) dist(r) 0];
magvec(c,r) = [mag(c) mag(r) 0];
b(c,r) = cross(magvec,distvec);% b field = If(s)O(s) x Rxs/R.^2 BIOT SAVART LAW
B(i) = {b}; % filling a cell array with results. read below