2016-11-13 89 views


def tryToMove(self): 
     offsetList = [(-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), 
        (-1, 0)  , (1, 0), 
        (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1)] 
     randomOffsetIndex = random.randrange(len(offsetList)) 
     randomOffset = offsetList[randomOffsetIndex] 
     nextx = self.xpos + randomOffset[0] 
     nexty = self.ypos + randomOffset[1] 
     while not(0 <= nextx < self.world.getMaxX() and 0 <= nexty < self.world.getMaxY()): 
      randomOffsetIndex = random.randrange(len(offsetList)) 
      randomOffset = offsetList[randomOffsetIndex] 
      nextx = self.xpos + randomOffset[0] 
      nexty = self.ypos + randomOffset[1] 

     if self.world.emptyLocation(nextx, nexty): 
      self.move(nextx, nexty) 

順便說一下'randomOffset = random.choice(offsetList)' – furas


是什麼問題?你有錯誤信息嗎?顯示有問題?或者創建最小的工作示例,以便我們可以運行它並查看問題。 – furas




offsetList = [(-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1)] 

def tryToMove(self): 

    maxX = self.world.getMaxX() 
    maxY = self.world.getMaxY() 

    possibleOffsets = offsetList[:] # make a copy we can change locally 

    while possibleOffsets: 
     possibleOffset = random.choice(possibleOffsets) # ala @furas 

     nextx = self.xpos + possibleOffset[0] 
     nexty = self.ypos + possibleOffset[1] 

     if (0 <= nextx < maxX() and 0 <= nexty < maxY()) and self.world.emptyLocation(nextx, nexty): 
      self.move(nextx, nexty) 
      return True # valid move possible and made 

     possibleOffsets.remove(possibleOffset) # remove invalid choice 

    return False # no valid move possible for various reasons 




offsetList = [(-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1)] 

def tryToMove(self): 

    maxX = self.world.getMaxX() 
    maxY = self.world.getMaxY() 

    possibleOffsets = [] 

    for possibleOffset in offsetList: 
     nextx = self.xpos + possibleOffset[0] 
     nexty = self.ypos + possibleOffset[1] 

     if 0 <= nextx < maxX and 0 <= nexty < maxY and self.world.emptyLocation(nextx, nexty): 

    if possibleOffsets: 
     offsetX, offsetY = random.choice(possibleOffsets) # ala @furas 
     nextx = self.xpos + offsetX 
     nexty = self.ypos + offsetY 

     self.move(nextx, nexty) 
     return True # valid move possible and made 

    return False # no valid move possible for various reasons 