var company, link, html = "<tr>", cols = 4, currentCol = 1;
for (company in brand) // Loop through each item in the array
if (currentCol > cols) { // Make sure we only have 4 columns
currentCol = 1; // Reset the current column if we go over that
html += "</tr><tr>"; // Stop the previous row and start a new one
html += "<td>" + company + "</td>"; // Add the current item to the table
currentCol++; // Increment the column count for the next loop
html += "</tr>";
document.getElementById('table').innerHTML = html; // Append the html with our dynamically created html
你有沒有考慮過使用模板庫? – Blowsie
另外'colspan ='不是表的有效屬性。 http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_table.asp – Blowsie
不幸的是,我只限於純粹的JS – Volterony