2016-12-29 68 views

* 版本:^ 10.6.1我如何在Ubuntu設置圖標應用與elctron建設者

* 目標:Linux的

我是Ubuntu的用戶&,我可以沒有爲我的應用程序設置圖標。 這是錯誤:

No native production dependencies 
Packaging for linux x64 using electron 1.4.1 to dist/linux-unpacked 
⚠️ Application icon is not set, default Electron icon will be used 
Building AppImage for arch x64 


"build": { 

    "appId": "985654798458542", 

    "mac": { 

    "category": "crm" 

"win": { 

    "iconUrl": "logo.png" 


"linux": { 

    "iconUrl": "logo.png" 




electron-builder quick-setup

Create a directory build in the root of the project and save a background.png (macOS DMG background), icon.icns (macOS app icon) and icon.ico (Windows app icon) into it.

The Linux icon set will be generated automatically based on the macOS icns file (or you can put them into the build/icons directory if you want to specify them yourself. The filename must contain the size (e.g. 32x32.png) of the icon).

