$infosql = "SELECT * FROM premiersounds_users WHERE customer_id = $id";
$inforesult = mysql_query($infosql) or die(mysql_error());
$info = mysql_fetch_array($inforesult);
//Get current date from server
//set sessions
$_SESSION['current_date'] = $c_date;
//The date in the database is 10/31/11
$_SESSION['lockout_date'] = $l_date;
//Check is Current date = lockout date
if ($c_date <= $l_date) {
else {
echo 'Whoops! Were sorry your account has been locked to edits
because your event is less than 48 hours from now or your event has passed.
To make changes to your event please contact your DJ.';
//Destroy Session for Lockout Date to prevent bypasses
凡被定義'$ l_date'?這不在你的樣本中。 –
嚴重的是,你怎麼可以不把這個問題 –
請發佈代碼 –