我需要我的應用程序來打開Excel 2010並將其放置在我的應用程序的特定區域中。 我還需要Excel是不可移動的,不可移動並消除所有菜單交互(關閉,最大化,最小化)如何防止在C#中移動另一個應用程序(MS Excel 2010)
我已經找到了幾乎所有的解決方案,使它不可移動。 我試圖使用SetWindowPos並設置SWP_NOMOVE標誌和一些其他標誌,但我沒有成功。
--Specifications:我使用WPF C#.NET 4.0和MS Excel 2010中
public static void StartExcel(string p_processArguments, int p_x, int p_y, int p_height, int p_width,
bool p_startMin = true, bool p_setForeground = true, bool p_useShell = true,
bool p_waitInput = true, bool p_setNewStyles = true, bool p_removeMenu = true)
//Make sure there is no excel opened (Kill them all - if any)
//Make the most basic validations and required info.
if (!ValidateProcessArgument(p_processArguments))
throw new Exception("Process' argument is invalid or incorrectly setted. " + p_processArguments);
ProcessStartInfo psiApp = new ProcessStartInfo("excel", p_processArguments);
if (p_useShell)
psiApp.UseShellExecute = true;
psiApp.UseShellExecute = false;
if (p_startMin)
psiApp.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;
Process pApp = Process.Start(psiApp);
if (p_waitInput)
//Wait for the app to receive the window handle(ID) max limit of 3sec.
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
if (pApp.MainWindowHandle != (IntPtr)0)
if (p_startMin) //Now restore its state
Win32Import.ShowWindow(pApp.MainWindowHandle, WindowShowStyle.ShowNormal);
//Set Foreground
if (p_setForeground)
if (p_setNewStyles)
//Make it an Overlapped Window (Which has no size border, title bar and etc).
int style = Win32Import.GetWindowLong(pApp.MainWindowHandle, Win32Import.GWL_STYLE);
Win32Import.SetWindowLong(pApp.MainWindowHandle, Win32Import.GWL_STYLE, (uint)(style & ~Win32.WindowStyles.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW));
//NOT WORKING - Apply some flags, to make it unmovable.
Win32Import.SetWindowPos(pApp.MainWindowHandle, (IntPtr)0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Win32.SWP.NOMOVE);
if (p_removeMenu)
//Get the app original menu.
IntPtr hMenu = Win32Import.GetSystemMenu(pApp.MainWindowHandle, false);
//Get the amount of menu the app has.
int count = Win32Import.GetMenuItemCount(hMenu);
//Remove all existing main menus.
for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
Win32Import.RemoveMenu(hMenu, i, (Win32Import.MF_BYPOSITION | Win32Import.MF_REMOVE));
//Force a redraw.
//Move the window to the specified location and size (set new position).
Win32Import.MoveWindow(pApp.MainWindowHandle, p_x, p_y, p_width, p_height, true);
throw new Exception("StartEmbeddedApp - Couldn't get the embedded app handle.");
我也拿出了幾個不同的想法,如interceping的Excel WM_MESSAGE(比如用HWNDSource)。任何想法不要太複雜,以實現這一點是值得歡迎的
在此先感謝, 路易斯。
在一個不相關的注意,['IntPtr.Zero'(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.intptr.zero.aspx) 。 – Romoku 2013-04-25 13:58:55
Yuck。不會像[this](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/15760/How-to-Integrate-Excel-in-a-Windows-Form-Applicati)更簡單(即使我懷疑還是比必要的更復雜)? – hvd 2013-04-25 14:16:31
hvd,我看過你之前提到的那篇文章。但是,它不再工作。我剛剛下載並使用MS Excel 2010進行了試用。從未捕獲並放入Excel。它只是在箱子外正常打開。 – Luishg 2013-04-25 14:22:58