被格式化的文件名不顯示文件擴展名即Java類名。如果更改java %%~nf
到echo java %%~nf
for "C:\java\stuff" %%f in (*.java) do (
java %%~nf
Variable with modifier Description
%~I Expands %I which removes any surrounding
quotation marks ("").
%~fI Expands %I to a fully qualified path name.
%~dI Expands %I to a drive letter only.
%~pI Expands %I to a path only.
%~nI Expands %I to a file name only.
%~xI Expands %I to a file extension only.
%~sI Expands path to contain short names only.
%~aI Expands %I to the file attributes of file.
%~tI Expands %I to the date and time of file.
%~zI Expands %I to the size of file.
%~$PATH:I Searches the directories listed in the PATH environment
variable and expands %I to the fully qualified name of
the first one found. If the environment variable name is
not defined or the file is not found by the search,
this modifier expands to the empty string.
的感謝!雖然我不知道這是如何做到的,但它起作用。我會爲自己找出它是如何做到的,再次感謝你@sudo_o – kentz