//Searches the database for the username
$mysqli_username = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT username FROM ajbs_users WHERE username=`".$username."`");
// if name does not exist
if ($mysqli_username == null)
echo "<p>Username was inccorect, or user does not exist</p>";
else //if username is correct
//finds and stores password of the user
$mysqli_userPassword = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT password FROM ajbs_users WHERE password=`".$password."`");
if ($mysqli_userPassword != $password) //checks password matches from user
echo "<p>Password was inccorrect</p>";
echo "<p>You have been logged in";
// Re directs to other page after creating a session
**請在使用前閱讀功能說明。它只需幾個按鍵即可:php.net/mysqli_query –
'$ mysqli_userPassword'包含一個MySQL資源,**不是字符串**。你正在比較一個結果對象和一個字符串,並且比較總是評估爲'FALSE'。 –
更不用說所有的徒勞掙扎 - 任何人都可以不用密碼登錄 –