我的應用程序在Worklight Development Server上運行良好,但在WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty Profile上運行得並不順利。IBM Worklight - 無法在WebSphere Application Server上運行應用程序
我試過Oracle JDK和IBM JDK,沒有什麼區別。 使用jconsole連接到服務器沒有問題,儘管我必須在沒有ssl的情況下連接。
[2014-07-11 17:18:10] Starting build process: application 'U1', all environments
[2014-07-11 17:18:12] Application 'U1' with all environments build finished.
[2014-07-11 17:18:12] Deploying application 'U1' with all environments to Worklight Server...
[2014-07-11 17:19:02] Failed to deploy the application to Worklight server: : JMX configuration error. Unable to obtain MBeans. Reason: "FWLSE3012E: JMX configuration
error. Unable to obtain MBeans. Reason: "Connection refused".".
沒有足夠的信息。什麼是完整的Liberty版本?你的Java版本是什麼?您遵循了哪個指南,以及如何將.war文件部署到應用程序服務器? –