2017-02-25 35 views

我有點卡在我自己的2D數組二進制搜索的實現。它似乎沒有迭代到下一行並保留在同一列(因此是一個永無止境的循環)。二進制搜索的工作方式是從兩個端點(低端和高端點)之間的中間開始。如果查詢太低,則將高端點重新調整爲中點 - 1.如果查詢太高,則將低端點設置爲中點端點+1。所有這些都會發生,直到查詢被找到,或者沒有匹配,從而導致O(log n)的最壞情況。但是,我似乎無法讓數組逐行去搜索值。這是我迄今爲止所做的:卡住 - 我自己實現的多維二進制搜索

public static int count(int[][]array, int query) { 

     int countoccurences = 0;   
     int low = 0;       
     int high = array[0].length - 1; 
     for (int row = 0; row < array.length; row++) { 
      for (int column = 0; column < array[row].length; column++) { 
       while (low <= high) { 

        int mid = (low + high)/2; //Set mid point to be (low + high) divided by 2 
        if (array[row][mid] == query) { //Check if middle value in each column is equal to the search query 
          countoccurences++; //If it is, increment countoccurences by 1 
         } else if (array[row][mid] < query) { 
          low = mid + 1; //If it is less than query then re-adjust low to be mid index + 1 
         } else {       
          high = mid - 1; //if query is too low, re-adjust high to be mid index - 1 

     return countoccurences; 


    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     int[][] array = { {7, 4, 3, 5, 10},{8, 5, 4, 6, 11},{10, 10, 8, 10, 13}, {11, 10, 15, 10, 14}}; 
     System.out.println("Total occurences of the number 10 is: " + count(array, 10)); 




二進制搜索需要排序的數據。你的數組沒有排序。爲了統計數字10的實例,進行二分搜索沒有意義,您最好在數組上進行2D循環,並在每次看到變量時對計數器+1, –


這是已排序的列,並且而不是行。 – pr0grammeur




public static int count(int[][] array, int query) 
     // nothing to find in an empty array 
     if(array.length == 0) 
      return 0; 

     int countoccurences = 0; 
     for (int column = 0; column < array[0].length; column++) 
      int low = 0; 
      int high = array.length - 1; 
      while (low <= high) 
       int mid = (low + high)/2; //Set mid point to be (low + high) divided by 2 
       if (array[mid][column] == query) 
        // Check if middle value in each column is equal to the search query 
        for (int row = low; row <= high; row++) 
         if (array[row][column] == query) 
          countoccurences++; //If it is, increment countoccurences by 1 
       else if (array[mid][column] < query) 
        low = mid + 1; //If it is less than query then re-adjust low to be mid index + 1 
        high = mid - 1; //if query is too low, re-adjust high to be mid index - 1 

     return countoccurences; 


  • 換行和列,以實際排序方向匹配的情況下,當介紹break;數據

  • 的列中有查詢。這是無限循環的在你的代碼的原因

  • 除去外for (int column = 0; column < array[row].length; column++)因爲它沒有任何意義

  • ,另一方面,增加內for (int row = low; row <= high; row++)。它應該包含在同一行中有多個目標值的情況,例如數據中的第3列。這個內部循環也可以使用更有效的二進制搜索,但我太懶惰了。