我構建了一個python 2.7 BING SEARCH API拉,每頁返回50個計數,並且通過每次將偏移值改爲50來進行分頁。我的結果寫入JSON文件。使用BING SEARCH API時,如何忽略重複結果?
我很擔心,因爲我得到了多個重複的搜索結果。當我翻頁10次(因此,檢索50×10 = 500個結果)時,其中約17%是重複記錄。有沒有一種方法可以強制bing只返回非重複值?你推薦我採取什麼額外的步驟,以儘可能接近唯一的價值?
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import httplib, urllib, base64, json, re, os, sys, codecs, locale, time
pull_count = 50 ## Var used to control # of hits per pull
offset = 0 ## Var used to push pagination counter to http get
num_paginations = 10 ## Var used to control max # of paginations
local_counter = 1 ## Helps Write commas to json file for all but last run
timer_counter = 1 ## Variable used to make system wait after 5 pulls
dump_file = 'BingDump.json' ## Name of local file where results are written to
api_domain = 'api.cognitive.microsoft.com'
query = 'Bill Gates'
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (MAC OSX, Educational Usage Only)'
x_search = ''
#Request Headers, open connection, open file write to output file
headers = {
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': 'MYSUBSCRIPTIONKEY',
'User-Agent' : user_agent,
'X-Search-ClientIP': x_search,
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(api_domain)
fhand = open(dump_file,'w')
#Function to build URL for API PULL
def scraper() :
pull_count_str = str(pull_count)
offset_str = str(offset)
params = urllib.urlencode({
'q': query,
'count': pull_count_str,
'offset': offset_str,
'mkt': 'en-us',
'safesearch': 'Moderate',
'responseFilter': 'webpages', #controls whether pull scrapes from web/image/news etc
#Function set to wait 4 seconds after 5 pulls
def holdup(entry) :
if entry != 5 :
entry += 1
entry = 1
#Function that establishes http get, and writes data to json file
def getwrite(entry1, entry2) :
conn.request("GET", "/bing/v5.0/search?%s" % entry1, "{body}", entry2)
response = conn.getresponse()
data = response.read()
json_data = json.loads(data)
fhand.write(json.dumps(json_data, indent=4))
#Main Code - Pulls data iteratively and writes it to json file
for i in range(num_paginations) :
dict_load = '"' + str(local_counter) + '"' + ' : '
link_params = scraper()
print('Retrieving: ' + api_domain + '/bing/v5.0/search?' + link_params)
getwrite(link_params, headers)
except Exception as e:
print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
fhand.write('"Error. Could not pull data"')
offset += pull_count
if local_counter != num_paginations : fhand.write(', ')
local_counter += 1
timer_counter = holdup(timer_counter)
想問BING API的專家,如果包括MSEDGE細節到我的頭參數將提高返回的搜索結果的質量,如果有別的什麼事可以做,將產生的結果與少重複。我做了一次搜索,其中涉及10,000個搜索結果,其中約900/10,000個是獨特的(不到10%)。一些搜索結果重複多達800次。 –
我可以同意,我有同樣的問題。隨着越來越多的頁面越來越多,但不時還會有新的項目。我正在浪費大量的API調用獲取重複的數據。 –