2010-07-06 105 views

我不斷收到一個錯誤1004這條線在我的VBA宏編輯器:應用程序定義或對象定義的錯誤(EXCEL VBA)

If ActiveCell.Name.Name = "DayShift" Or ActiveCell.Name.Name = "AfterShift" Then 


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 

Dim col As Integer 
col = ActiveCell.Column 
Dim bValue As String 
Dim cValue As String 

'Check if cell is required to have both columns with value. 
    'If it is, skip checks. 
    If ActiveCell.Name.Name = "DayShift" Or ActiveCell.Name.Name = "AfterShift" Then 


    End If 

'Check if active column is column B. 
If ColLetter(col) = "B" Then 

    'Format value of active cell. 
    cValue = "C" + Str(ActiveCell.Row) 
    cValue = Replace(cValue, " ", "") 

    'Check if cell has value. 
    If Range(cValue) = vbNullString Then 

    'If it does, remove the opposite shift. 
     MsgBox "This employee has already been assigned for the afternoon shift. In order to allow this change, this employee's scheduling for the afternoon shift will be removed.", vbExclamation 
    End If 

'Check if active column is column C. 
ElseIf ColLetter(col) = "C" Then 

    'Format value of active cell. 
    bValue = "B" + Str(ActiveCell.Row) 
    bValue = Replace(bValue, " ", "") 

    'Check if cell has value. 
    If Range(bValue) = vbNullString Then 

    'If it does, remove the opposite shift. 
     MsgBox "This employee has already been assigned for the day shift. In order to allow this change, this employee's scheduling for the day shift will be removed.", vbExclamation 
    End If 

End If 
End Sub 

Function ColLetter(ColNumber As Integer) As String 
    ColLetter = Left(Cells(1, ColNumber).Address(False, False), _ 
     1 - (ColNumber > 26)) 
End Function 




Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 

    Dim bValue As String 
    Dim cValue As String 
    Dim bIsDayShift As Boolean, bIsAfterShift As Boolean 
    Dim sMsg As String 

    Application.EnableEvents = FALSE 

    sMsg = "This employee has already been assigned for the replaceme shift. " 
    sMsg = sMsg & "In order to allow this change, this employee's scheduling " 
    sMsg = sMsg & "for the replaceme shift will be removed." 

    'Check if cell is required to have both columns with value. 
    'If it is, skip checks. 
    On Error Resume Next 
     bIsDayShift = Target.Name.Name = "DayShift" 
     bIsAfterShift = Target.Name.Name = "AfterShift" 
    On Error GoTo 0 

    If Not bIsDayShift And Not bIsAfterShift Then 
     'Check if active column is column B. 
     If Target.Column = 2 Then 
      If Not IsEmpty(Target.Offset(0, 1).Value) Then 
       MsgBox Replace(sMsg, "replaceme", "afternoon"), vbExclamation 
       Target.Offset(0, 1).ClearContents 
      End If 

     'Check if active column is column C. 
     ElseIf Target.Column = 3 Then 
      If Not IsEmpty(Target.Offset(0, -1).Value) Then 
       MsgBox Replace(sMsg, "replaceme", "day"), vbExclamation 
       Target.Offset(0, -1).ClearContents 
      End If 

     End If 
    End If 

    Application.EnableEvents = TRUE 

End Sub 

謝謝,這真的有幫助。但是,如果某行在「C」列(下午)中已經有一個值,並且我嘗試向「B」列(日)添加值,那麼似乎存在問題。它顯示應該說明下午班次需要刪除的消息,然後顯示第二條消息,說明必須刪除的日班必須刪除B和C列。你知道如何解決這個問題嗎? – BioXhazard 2010-07-06 18:11:48


哎呦。需要禁用事件,因爲ClearContents調用再次觸發該事件。編輯代碼來反映。 – 2010-07-06 18:36:28


好的完美。一切都奏效了。謝謝!我想知道你是否可以幫助我處理另一個關於細胞功能的問題。我應該編輯第一篇文章向你展示這個問題嗎? – BioXhazard 2010-07-06 18:49:49
