2013-05-29 102 views


CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true; 
var editor = CKEDITOR.inline('editable', {on: { 
    instanceReady: function() {periodic();} 

var periodic = (function() { 
    var data, oldData; 
    return function() { 
     if ((data = editor.getData()) !== oldData) { 
      oldData = data; 
      $.post("update.php", {txt:data}); 
     setTimeout(periodic, 1000); 

然後在工具欄的隱藏部分,我發現這個:CKEditor 4 Inline: How to hide toolbar on demand?

//Whenever CKEditor loses focus, We will hide the corresponding toolbar DIV. 
function hideToolBarDiv(event) { 
    // Select the correct toolbar DIV and hide it. 
    //'event.editor.name' returns the name of the DIV receiving focus. 



可能重複[我可以使用沒有工具欄的CKEditor?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13611386/can-i-use-ckeditor-without-a-toolbar) – Reinmar


我更新了我的答案在http://stackoverflow.com/ questions/13611386/can-i-use-ckeditor-without-a-toolbar解釋高級內容過濾器沒有配置沒有工具欄,因此您需要手動執行此操作。 – Reinmar



我發現,似乎解決我的問題,另一個鏈接:Can I use CKEditor without a toolbar? 腳本似乎是正常的工作,雖然我仍然不知道這是否是一個正確的方式來做到這一點:的

CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true; 
var editor = CKEDITOR.inline('editable', { 
    removePlugins: 'toolbar', 
    allowedContent: 'p h1 h2 strong em; a[!href]; img[!src,width,height]' 
    on: {instanceReady: function() {periodic();}} 

var periodic = (function() { 
    var data, oldData; 
    return function() { 
     if ((data = editor.getData()) !== oldData) { 
      oldData = data; 
      $.post("update.php", {txt:data}); 
     setTimeout(periodic, 1000); 