2013-12-10 66 views

在Facebook的Graph API中,一旦我們初步驗證了用戶身份,我們就可以直接與API(從服務器)進行交互,以獲得長期的頁面訪問令牌。這個長期存在的頁面訪問令牌永不過期。 (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens/LinkedIn的訪問令牌更新流程可以在服務器上執行嗎?







事實證明,如果沒有linkedin用戶登錄linkedin,就無法刷新linkedin的訪問令牌。請參閱LinkedIn員工的第一條評論here,其中明確指出"this refresh will only work if the user is still logged into LinkedIn (authenticated) and the current access token isn't expired. Otherwise, the user will be presented with the login dialog again."



1) This refresh will only work if the user is still logged into LinkedIn (authenticated) and the current access token isn't expired. Otherwise, the user will be presented with the login dialog again.

2) There is no way to refresh the token using the old authentication token/secret. User needs to log into linkedin in order for you to refresh the tokens. We use this flow as it protects our members and their data in the best possible manner.

3) Refreshing an access token is very simple and can happen without an authorization dialog appearing for the user. In other words, it's a seamless process that doesn't affect your application's user experience. Simply have your application go through the authorization flow in order to fetch a new access token with an additional 60 day life span. When the following conditions exist: -User is still logged into Linkedin.com -The current access token isn't expired (within the 60 life span) We will automatically redirect the user back to your redirect_uri without requiring them to reauthorize your application. If they don't exist, we'll prompt them to login and then redirect them.

4) We have also standardized the duration of the authorization tokens. Previously, members could choose to grant tokens that were as short as one day or as long as forever. Now all tokens are 60 days in length, with the ability for you to extend them in a series of rolling 60 day increments whenever the member comes back to your application. To prevent a bad user experience in your application, be sure to proactively refresh tokens and elegantly route any expired tokens through a refresh flow.

5) As long as the user is logged into LinkedIn and their current access token hasn't expired, you can fetch an access token with a 60 day lifespan the next time the user comes to your application.


感謝您的回答!你會注意到你發現的語句仍然有點模棱兩可 - 例如,它可以被解釋爲只要用戶仍然有一個活動會話*,你的後端代碼就可以獨立連接刷新令牌,沒有客戶的cookies等。對於它的價值,我得出的結論是,客戶端*不得不成爲令牌更新過程的一部分。事實上,不幸的是,如果事實並非如此,我會感到非常驚訝。 – rinogo


@rinogo,是的,你是對的。用戶必須是令牌更新過程的一部分,因此無法單獨從服務器端實現。 – Sangram


大多數鏈接都死了 –




這就是我所擔心的......您是否實施了任何有助於使此重新認證過程更平滑/不太方便的用戶?我很想知道更多關於您的工作流程的信息! – rinogo


即使我在尋找相同的內容,但我認爲沒有用戶的干預,沒有辦法刷新oauth2 linkedin令牌。我開始知道可以通過這種方式刷新Facebook令牌,但不幸的是,似乎無法使用linkedin。 – Sangram