public abstract class ContextBase
public abstract class ContextManager<T> where T: ContextBase
// contains all the context managing logic.
public T FindContext()
// ...
public class SpecialContext : ContextBase
// custom properties specific to this type of context
public class SpecialContextManager : ContextManager<SpecialContext>
// inherits most of the logic from its base class but has some
// overrides to achieve a slightly different behavior
public class OtherContext : ContextBase
// custom properties specific to this type of context
public class OtherContextManager : ContextManager<OtherContext>
// inherits most of the logic from its base class but has some
// overrides to achieve a slightly different behavior
爲抽象通用ContextManager類的動機是,每個ContextManager保持特定的給定類型T.你當然可以對象的靜態集合已經做了像那樣Dictionary> ..但我更喜歡通用的基類方法。
問題 現在我想製作一個GUI來顯示/查找所有上下文。這意味着各種背景。 我不想爲每個應用程序程序集中的每個應用程序編寫GUI。 我正在考慮一個「通用GUI」,它向我展示了所有當前活動的上下文,無論它們是什麼類型(知道該類型雖然在GUI中顯示更詳細的信息會很酷)。我顯然可以使用各自的ContextManager實例查找所有上下文 - 但是如何獲取它們?
public static class CmInstanceMonitor
private static List<ContextManager<ContextBase>> _contextMgrs = new List<ContextManager<ContextBase>>;
public static void RegisterInstance(ContextManager<ContextBase> cm)
// probably I should make sure I don't add the same object twice
// unfortunately I cannot use the Type yet as this method is invoked
// by the base class ctor() :(
_contextMgrs .Add(cm);
我被卡住了! :)