2012-02-11 26 views

我有一個最令人沮喪的問題,我曾與編程語言。我讀了一些XML,然後嘗試顯示在網頁上。這樣做我沒有問題。 這裏是如何完成這個代碼。更新與循環對象與網頁的網頁

    // File: readXML.js 

         var shared  = []; 
         var sheet  = new Array() 
         // Start function when DOM has completely loaded 
          var bigo  = new Object(); 
          console.log("can you see me."); 

          var sheetJoint = new Object(); 

          // get the sheet xml file 
           var attrs = []; 

           // this is a loop within a loop. we traverse the values in the xml to get end up with a key pair value of key: val 
          // in our case this works out to be A1 = 0 this is the first step to get the actual value from the sharedstring.xml 
          // Run the function for each row tag in the XML file 
          $(xml).find("row").each(function(i) { 
           //run the function for each c tag in the xml and get the attribute. 
           //this is the attribute that references the actual column. 
            $('c',xml).each(function(i) { 
              v1 = $(this).attr("r"); 
             bigo[v1] =v1; 
              bigo[v1]= $(this).find("v").text(); 

          //get the shared string elements to combine with the other 
            $('si',xml).each(function(i) { 


          combineObjects(bigo);//combine the the array and the object. 


function combineObjects(obj){ 
          myHTMLOutput = ''; 
          myHTMLOutput += '<table width="98%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; 
          myHTMLOutput += '<th>A</th>'; 


         var strt=""; 
         var tempVal; 
        //loop throught the obejct and get the value from the returnTheValueSegment. 

        for (var ind in obj){ 
         //if you want to print something to the log then just add this. 
         // pretty handy when trying to discover variable values. does not see to work well inside for loops thought. 
         // console.log("can you see me."); 
         tempVal = returnTheValueOfSegment(obj[ind]); 
        //bring the values 
         obj[ind] = tempVal; 


         for (var ind in obj){ 

           mydata = BuildStudentHTML(ind); 
           myHTMLOutput = myHTMLOutput + mydata; 

          myHTMLOutput += '</table>'; 


我在創建表時出現問題。它的基本命中或錯過... 如果我在Firefox中嘗試它,它只能工作,如果我使用螢火蟲,並通過代碼,否則它不會顯示錶格元素。


     function BuildStudentHTML(column1){ 

          // Build HTML string and return 
          output = ''; 
          output += '<tr>'; 
          output += '<td>'+ column1 +'</td>'; 
          output += '</tr>'; 
          return output; 



你知道'$ .get'是**異步**,對吧?並且在HTTP請求完成之前,返回的對象將不可用?您需要將返回的Deferred對象與'$ .when()'結合起來,然後在回調函數中完成「組合」工作。 – Pointy 2012-02-11 13:41:34


感謝您的答覆pointy.but你是否基本上說,即使在$ .get完成之前,該功能正在前進?您能否通過.get回撥指向正確的方向?我真的很新,並試圖瞭解jQuery。 – user677275 2012-02-11 13:52:04


是 - '$ .get()'立即返回**,即使它可能在HTTP請求完成之前有許多毫秒或幾秒。看@ wecsam的答案。 – Pointy 2012-02-11 14:03:25




function second_XML(bigo){ 
    return function(xml){ 
     $('si', xml).each(function (i) { 
     combineObjects(bigo); //combine the the array and the object. 


//get the shared string elements to combine with the other 
$.get("sharedStrings.xml", {}, second_XML(bigo)); 



謝謝你我完全錯過了異步部分。你是誰,謝謝你指引我朝着正確的方向。 – user677275 2012-02-11 17:40:16


沒問題。不用謝。 – wecsam 2012-02-12 18:49:06