newrelic_agent.log中的這些錯誤指示了什麼以及如何解決它們?我最近在newrelic.yml中做了一些小改動並重新啓動了服務器。恢復更改不會有幫助。當他們的過程仍使用舊配置設置NewRelic :: Agent :: ForceRestartException
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Starting the New Relic agent in "production" environment.
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : To prevent agent startup add a NEWRELIC_ENABLE=false environment variable or modify the "production" section of your newrelic.yml
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Reading configuration from config/newrelic.yml
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Enabling the Request Sampler.
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Enabling the Request Sampler.
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Environment: production
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Dispatcher: passenger
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Application: production
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Connecting workers after forking.
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Installing DelayedJob instrumentation [part 1/2]
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Installing deferred Rack instrumentation
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Installing Net instrumentation
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Installing ActiveRecord instrumentation
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Installing Rails 3 Controller instrumentation
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Installing Rails 3.1/3.2 view instrumentation
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Installing Rails3 Error instrumentation
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Finished instrumentation
[11/26/13 10:08:17 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : NewRelic::Agent::Samplers::DelayedJobSampler not available: No DJ worker present
[11/26/13 10:08:18 -0800 prod-web02 (4558)] INFO : Doing deferred dependency-detection before Rack startup
[11/26/13 10:08:20 -0800 prod-web02 (4581)] INFO : Reporting to: https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/XXX/applications/XXX
[11/26/13 10:08:20 -0800 prod-web02 (4591)] INFO : Reporting to: https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/XXX/applications/XXX
[11/26/13 10:08:20 -0800 prod-web02 (4602)] INFO : Reporting to: https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/XXX/applications/XXX
[11/26/13 10:08:20 -0800 prod-web02 (4614)] INFO : Reporting to: https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/XXX/applications/XXX
**[11/26/13 10:08:26 -0800 prod-web02 (7931)] INFO : Failed to send timeslice data, trying again later. Error:
[11/26/13 10:08:26 -0800 prod-web02 (7931)] INFO : NewRelic::Agent::ForceRestartException: ***Restart agent on stale config (account) method=metric_data launch=2013-11-20 02:07:17 config=2013-11-26 00:00:00
[11/26/13 10:08:57 -0800 prod-web02 (4661)] INFO : Reporting to: https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/XXX/applications/XXX
[11/26/13 10:09:26 -0800 prod-web02 (7931)] INFO : Failed to send timeslice data, trying again later. Error:
[11/26/13 10:09:26 -0800 prod-web02 (7931)] INFO : NewRelic::Agent::ForceRestartException: ***Restart agent on stale config (account) method=metric_data launch=2013-11-20 02:07:17 config=2013-11-26 00:00:00**
謝謝@lauradiane。我是否正確理解重新啓動過程意味着重新啓動nginx + passenger(在我的情況下)?這似乎沒有幫助。我想現在是支持票的時候了。 –
重新啓動爲我工作。我懷疑(猜測)我看到這個問題的觸發器是在應用程序中添加了「密鑰事務」,其配置在newrelic.yml中,而不是安裝在門戶中。 –