2013-10-02 40 views

我正在使用MS Word宏,該宏當前調用外部Excel文件中的數據以查找/替換過程中的長MS Word文本。在我的Excel文件中,列A具有我想要查找的字詞和列B要替換的字詞。每次更改宏執行,下劃線,並在文本上創建一個腳註。修改Microsoft Word VBA宏以從外部文件中調用其他文本並添加到腳註





Option Explicit 

Dim m_oCol1      As Collection 
Dim m_oCol2      As Collection 

Sub ReplaceWordsAndDefineFootnotes() 
    Dim clsTL     As clsTerms 
    Dim lngIndex    As Long 

    Set clsTL = New clsTerms 
    Set m_oCol1 = New Collection 
    For lngIndex = 1 To clsTL.Count 
     'Replace each defined English word with it Hebrew equivelent. 
     ReplaceWords clsTL.Items(lngIndex).English, clsTL.Items(lngIndex).Hebrew 
    Next lngIndex 
    For lngIndex = 1 To clsTL.Count 
     'Replace temporary footnote text with with class defined footnote text. 
     FixFootnotes clsTL.Items(lngIndex).Hebrew, clsTL.Items(lngIndex).Footnote 
    Next lngIndex 
    Exit Sub 
End Sub 

Function DefinedTerms() As Collection 
    Dim arrEng()    As String 
    Dim arrHeb()    As String 
    Dim lngIndex    As Long 
    Dim oCol     As Collection 
    Dim Term     As clsTerm 

    'Note: Data arrays are used in this example. In practice the data could come from a Word table, Excel worksheet or other data source. 
    'arrEng = Split("God,heaven,earth,waters,good", ",") 
    'arrHeb = Split("Elohim,shamayim,aretz,mayim,tov", ",") 

    Set oCol = New Collection 
    'Put data in the collection. 
    For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(arrEng) 
     Set Term = New clsTerm 
     Term.English = arrEng(lngIndex) 
     Term.Hebrew = arrHeb(lngIndex) 
     Term.Footnote = arrEng(lngIndex) & ":" & arrHeb(lngIndex) 
     'Term.FootnoteText = varWords(lngIndex, 3) & ":" & varWords(lngIndex, 1) 
     oCol.Add Term, Term.English 
    Next lngIndex 
    Set DefinedTerms = oCol 
    Exit Function 
End Function 

Sub ReplaceWords(ByVal strFind As String, ByVal strReplaceWith As String) 
    Dim oRng     As Word.Range 
    'Add each term processed to a collection. 
    m_oCol1.Add UCase(strReplaceWith), UCase(strReplaceWith) 
    Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range 
    'Replace each instance of the English word with its Hebrew equivalent. 
    With oRng.Find 
     .Text = strFind 
     .Replacement.Text = strReplaceWith 
     .MatchWholeWord = True 
     .MatchCase = False 
     .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll 
    End With 
    Exit Sub 
End Sub 

Sub Underline_And_DefineFootnote() 
    Dim oRng     As Word.Range 
    Dim lngIndex    As Long 
    Dim oWord     As Word.Range 
    Dim strWord     As String 
    Dim lngCounter    As Long 
    Dim lngPages    As Long 

    With ActiveDocument 
     Set oRng = .Range 
     lngPages = .ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPages) 
     For lngIndex = 1 To lngPages 
      Set m_oCol2 = New Collection 
      Set oRng = oRng.GoTo(What:=wdGoToPage, Name:=lngIndex) 
      Set oRng = oRng.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\page") 
      lngCounter = 1 
      With oRng 
       For Each oWord In oRng.Words 
        'Modify the word range to strip off white space. We want only the text portion of the word range. 
        strWord = UCase(Trim(oWord.Text)) 
        oWord.Collapse wdCollapseStart 
        oWord.MoveEnd wdCharacter, Len(strWord) 
        If oWord.Characters.Last = Chr(160) Then oWord.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1 
        'We need to know if the text defined by the word range is a word we want to process. 
        'We added all of those words to a collection during the find and replace process. 
        'If we try to add one of those words to the collection again then it will error and we will know _ 
        we are dealing with a word we want to process. 
        On Error Resume Next 
        m_oCol1.Add strWord, strWord 
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
         On Error GoTo 0 
         On Error Resume Next 
         'We only want to underline and footnote the first instance of the term on each page. 
         'So add the term and key to a collection. 
         m_oCol2.Add strWord, strWord 
         oWord.Font.Underline = 1 
         If Err.Number = 0 Then 
          'There was no error so underline the term and footnote it. 
          'oWord.Font.Underline = 1 
          On Error GoTo 0 
          ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Add oWord, CStr(lngCounter), LCase(strWord) 
          lngCounter = lngCounter + 1 
         End If 
         'The word wasn't a word we want to process so remove it from the collection. 
         m_oCol1.Remove m_oCol1.Count 
        End If 
       Next oWord 
      End With 
      'Since processing words will add footnotes, the length of the document will increase. 
      'I'm using this method to reenter the processing loop. 
      lngPages = .ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPages) 
      If lngIndex < lngPages Then 
       lngIndex = lngIndex + 1 
       GoTo Reprocess 
      End If 
     Next lngIndex 
    End With 
    Set oRng = Nothing 
End Sub 

Sub FixFootnotes(ByVal strFind As String, ByVal strReplaceWith As String) 
    Dim oRng     As Word.Range 
    m_oCol1.Add UCase(strReplaceWith), UCase(strReplaceWith) 
    Set oRng = ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdFootnotesStory) 
    With oRng.Find 
     .Text = strFind 
     .Replacement.Text = strReplaceWith 
     .MatchWholeWord = True 
     .MatchCase = False 'True 
     .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll 
    End With 
    Exit Sub 
End Sub 

1 2的類模塊(clsTerm):

Option Explicit 

Private msEnglish As String 
Private msHebrew As String 
Private msFootnote As String 
Public Property Let English(ByVal sEnglish As String): msEnglish = sEnglish: End Property 
Public Property Get English() As String: English = msEnglish: End Property 
Public Property Let Hebrew(ByVal sHebrew As String): msHebrew = sHebrew: End Property 
Public Property Get Hebrew() As String: Hebrew = msHebrew: End Property 
Public Property Let Footnote(ByVal sFootnote As String): msFootnote = sFootnote: End Property 

Public Property Get Footnote() As String 

    Footnote = msEnglish & ":" & msHebrew & " - " & msFootnote 

End Property 

2 2的類模塊(clsTerms):

Option Explicit 

Private mcolTerms    As Collection 
Private lngCount    As Long 

Property Get Items() As Collection 
    Set Items = mcolTerms 
End Property 

Property Set Items(oCol As Collection) 
    Set mcolTerms = oCol 
End Property 

Property Get Count() As Long 
    If Not mcolTerms Is Nothing Then 
     Count = mcolTerms.Count 
     Count = 0 
    End If 
End Property 

Public Sub FillFromExcel() 

    Dim xlApp As Object 
    Dim xlWb As Object 
    Dim vaWords As Variant 
    Dim cTerm As clsTerm 
    Dim i As Long 

    Const sFILE As String = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Macro Latest Accomplishments\this_feeds_AlexfromZackMacro.xlsx" 
    Const xlUP As Long = -4162 

    Set mcolTerms = New Collection 

    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
    Set xlWb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(sFILE, , True) 

    With xlWb.Worksheets(1) 
     'changed 2 to 3 to get column c 
     vaWords = .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUP)).Value 
    End With 

    'change footnote to store column c 
    For i = LBound(vaWords, 1) To UBound(vaWords, 1) 
     Set cTerm = New clsTerm 
     cTerm.English = vaWords(i, 1) 
     cTerm.Hebrew = vaWords(i, 2) 
     cTerm.Footnote = vaWords(i, 3) 
     mcolTerms.Add cTerm 
    Next i 

    xlWb.Close False 

End Sub 



來吧o f自從最後一個答案以來,我的變量名稱可能已經發生了變化,因此您需要將它們全部網格化在一起。更改期限類此

Option Explicit 

Private msEnglish As String 
Private msHebrew As String 
Private msFootnote As String 

Public Property Let English(ByVal sEnglish As String): msEnglish = sEnglish: End Property 
Public Property Get English() As String: English = msEnglish: End Property 
Public Property Let Hebrew(ByVal sHebrew As String): msHebrew = sHebrew: End Property 
Public Property Get Hebrew() As String: Hebrew = msHebrew: End Property 
Public Property Let Footnote(ByVal sFootnote As String): msFootnote = sFootnote: End Property 

Public Property Get Footnote() As String 

    Footnote = msEnglish & ":" & msHebrew & " - " & msFootnote 

End Property 

這使得腳註的部分讓我們來存儲你所擁有的在C列的獲取部分,然後讓你定義如何輸出腳註的一個地方。在這個例子中,我正在閱讀C列(在下一節),但是當我得到腳註屬性時,它會連接其他一些術語 - 它不是C列內容的直接回讀。您可以更改獲取腳註的一部分以使其成爲您想要的任何內容。


Public Sub FillFromExcel() 

    Dim xlApp As Object 
    Dim xlWb As Object 
    Dim vaWords As Variant 
    Dim clsTerm As cTerm 
    Dim i As Long 

    Const sFILE As String = "C:\Users\Dick\Documents\My Dropbox\Excel\wordlist.xlsx" 
    Const xlUP As Long = -4162 

    Set mcolTerms = New Collection 

    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
    Set xlWb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(sFILE, , True) 

    With xlWb.Worksheets(1) 
     'changed 2 to 3 to get column c 
     vaWords = .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUP)).Value 
    End With 

    'change footnote to store column c 
    For i = LBound(vaWords, 1) To UBound(vaWords, 1) 
     Set clsTerm = New cTerm 
     clsTerm.English = vaWords(i, 1) 
     clsTerm.Hebrew = vaWords(i, 2) 
     clsTerm.Footnote = vaWords(i, 3) 
     mcolTerms.Add clsTerm 
    Next i 

    xlWb.Close False 

End Sub 




嗨迪克,根據你的指示,我做了修改clsTerm,然後clsTerms。然後,我開始儘可能按照我的理解進行調整。我可以看到我的變化讓我得到更多的進展,直到我遇到下一個問題。所以我可以看到我在做什麼的進展,但我得到了一個點,我無法弄清楚如何解決此錯誤: –


「運行時錯誤'5941':收集的請求的成員不存在。」當點擊調試時,它會在標準模塊中的這條線上出現(黃色箭頭),位於「Sub FixFootnotes」,從第4行開始,它表示: - >「Set oRng = ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdFootnotesStory) 」。這全部以黃色突出顯示。我不明白爲什麼它卡在這裏。我編輯了我的問題,向您展示我的3個模塊現在的狀況。也許你可以看到我做錯了什麼。謝謝! :) –


這意味着沒有wdFootnoteStory範圍 - 你還沒有任何腳註。您可能需要先創建一個,然後才能訪問該範圍。 –
