String string = "[A100, test, message1, 6/24/2015 19:38, 6/24/2015 19:38],
[A101, test, message2, 6/24/2015 19:38, 6/24/2015 19:38],
[A102, test, message3, 6/24/2015 19:38, 6/24/2015 19:38],
[A103, test, message4, 6/24/2015 19:38, 6/24/2015 19:38]"
I want split as four parts
A101, test, message2, 6/24/2015 19:38, 6/24/2015 19:38
A101, test, message2, 6/24/2015 19:38, 6/24/2015 19:38
A102, test, message3, 6/24/2015 19:38, 6/24/2015 19:38
A103, test, message4, 6/24/2015 19:38, 6/24/2015 19:38
List<String> elephantList = Arrays.asList(incomingString.split("],"));
for (String string1 : elephantList) {
if(string1.contains("Intro to Working with the IACUC") ||string1.contains("Working with the IACUC")){
_can請您儘快possible_歡迎'SO'做。請描述您的代碼並解釋您遇到的問題 – Reimeus
請修復您的格式,指定您的問題,並且由於您在此處不支付任何人,我們不會「儘快」執行任何操作。 – Thargor