jsFunction3(xyz) {
jQuery.getCSS = function(url, media)
jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({ href: url, media: media || 'screen', type: 'text/css', rel: 'stylesheet' }).appendTo('head'); };
function() { }); $.getScript('/redkanproject/plugins/jqplot-0.1/js/jqplot/excanvas.min.js', function() { });
$.getScript('/redkanproject/plugins/jqplot-0.1/js/jqplot/plugin/jqplot.pieRenderer.min.js', function() { });
var JSONObject = new Object;
JSONObject.id =xyz;
JSONstring = JSON.stringify(JSONObject);
var url = "${createLink(controller:'page', action:'example4')}"; new Ajax.Request(url, { method:'post', contentType:'application/json', postBody:JSONstring, asynchronous:true, onSuccess: function (res) {
x="chart" // this is my div to display chart
var plot1 = $.jqplot (x, [st], { title: 'Bianual Reviews percentage', grid: {
background:'#834100', shadow: true,borderWidth: 0, borderColor: 'white',shadowDepth: 0}, seriesDefaults: {
// Make this a pie chart.
renderer: $.jqplot.PieRenderer, rendererOptions: {
// Put datalabels on the pie slices.
// By default, labels show the percentage of the slice.
showDataLabels: true
legend: { show:true, location: 'e' } });
$(x).bind('jqplotDataClick', function(ev,seriesIndex, pointIndex, data)
{ alert(" data: "+data); }
})//ajax }
你真的希望有人來幫助你,當你離開格式化這樣的問題嗎? – Mark 2012-03-04 23:32:16
@Mark我編輯它整齊請你能幫我 – 2012-03-05 04:18:19
爲什麼你使用$ .getCSS和$ .getScript,爲什麼不加載資源jqPlot需要靜態。我認爲你在這裏有一點競爭條件。通過Ajax檢索CSS和JS文件,同時通過Ajax創建繪圖。這些都是異步請求,並不能保證JS和CSS將在劇情調用之前加載。 – Mark 2012-03-05 17:23:42