示例HTML數據應用DIV /跨度標籤由特定座標字
<body style="width:300px;">
A simple tool to store and display texts longer than a few lines.
The search button will highlight all the words matching the name of objects that are members of the classes listed in searchedClasses, itself a member of the KeySet class. The highlighted words are hypertext.
Edit invokes wscripts/acedb.editor, which by default launches emacs. Edit that file to start another editor in its place.
Save will recover from the emacs but will not destroy it.
Read will read a text file, so you could Search it.
**general** grep is a way to annotate a set of longtexts versus the searchedClasses. It outputs an ace file that you can then hand check and read back in acedb to create XREF from longTexts to genes etc.
<h3>World Wide NotePad</h3>
World wide notepad is a small text editor similar to Microsoft's notepad but has some more useful features like an auto typer to make typing the same sentence or word more easy, also World Wide NotePad has a text to speech feature which reads all text in the current open document and speaks it out load to you.
<h3>Etelka Wide Text Pro Bold Italic</h3>
例如 - > 「一般」(之間**)是在x = 0和Y = 465。我知道x,y的位置。但是如何突出位於特定位置的單詞?
例如我有一個位置值(x,y)=(0,625)。我想提取該位置的第一個單詞(假設 - 在該位置 - 我們有單詞「世界」)然後如何突出顯示該單詞?
突出顯示,你的意思是選擇它,或者你想要把它包裹在例如一個'span'標籤? – 2010-08-04 11:03:46
我想在'span'標籤中包裝 - 示例'世界' – 2010-08-04 11:06:20
我應該讀過標題;) – 2010-08-04 11:18:43