我需要用特定的分隔符截斷字符串。 例如以該字符串:
myString = 'customname_489494984';
我想每個字符串份後自動剝離「_」 (在這種情況下「489494984」)。
是否有一個函數用於在特定的 定界符之後截斷字符串部分?
我需要用特定的分隔符截斷字符串。 例如以該字符串:
myString = 'customname_489494984';
我想每個字符串份後自動剝離「_」 (在這種情況下「489494984」)。
是否有一個函數用於在特定的 定界符之後截斷字符串部分?
$string= 'customname_489494984';
$string=substr($string, 0, strrpos($string, '_'));
var_dump(StringUtils::beforeFirst("customname_489494984", "_"));
class StringUtils
* Returns the part of a string <b>before the first</b> occurrence of the string to search for.
* @param <b>$string</b> The string to be searched
* @param <b>$search</b> The string to search for
* @param <b>$caseSensitive boolean :optional</b> Defines if the search will be case sensitive. By default true.
* @return string
public static function beforeFirst($string,$search,$caseSensitive = true)
$firstIndex = self::firstIndexOf($string, $search,$caseSensitive);
return $firstIndex == 0 ? $string : self::substring($string, 0 , $firstIndex);
* Returns a part of the string from a character and for as many characters as provided
* @param <b>$string</b> The string to retrieve the part from
* @param <b>$start</b> The index of the first character (0 for the first one)
* @param <b>$length</b> The length of the part the will be extracted from the string
* @return string
public static function substring($string,$start,$length = null)
return ($length == null) ? (mb_substr($string, $start)) : ($length == 0 ? "" : mb_substr($string, $start , $length));
* Return the index of <b>the first occurance</b> of a part of a string to the string
* @param <b>$string</b> The string to be searched
* @param <b>$search</b> The string to search for
* @param <b>$caseSensitive boolean :optional</b> Defines if the search will be case sensitive. By default true.
* @return number
public static function firstIndexOf($string,$search,$caseSensitive = true)
return $caseSensitive ? mb_strpos($string, $search) : mb_stripos($string, $search);
* Returns how many characters the string is
* @param <b>$string</b> The string
* @return number
public static function length($string)
return mb_strlen($string);
$myString= "customname_489494984";
echo strstr($myString, '_', true);
這是最好的答案。添加一個鏈接到PHP文檔的strstr(),它是完美的。 – mopo922
@ mopo922,我編輯了我的答案並添加了我的參考鏈接。謝謝! –
AFER ** - ** **或** _ ? :) –
@阿里,後'_'。我編輯了我的答案 – user3040610
好吧。我只是說。我知道這是一個輸入錯誤。 –