我試圖在Ubuntu 12.04中使用gradle構建spring 3框架。但在構建方面取得進展時出現錯誤。 誤差如下:使用gradle構建spring3框架時失敗
Download http://repo.springsource.org/libs-release/org/aspectj/aspectjtools/1.6.12/aspectjtools-1.6.12.jar
[ant:iajc] <Unknown> [warning] Found @DeclareAnnotation while current release does not support it (see 'org.aspectj.weaver.bcel.AtAjAttributes')
/home/hendri/spring-framework/spring-expression/src/main/java/org/springframework/expression/spel/ast/OpMultiply.java:28: error: unmappable character for encoding UTF8
* <p>If any of the operands is of a reference type, unboxing conversion (�5.1.8) is performed. Then:<br>
1 error
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':spring-expression:javadoc'.
> Javadoc generation failed.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 24 mins 10.5 secs
能有人幫助我通過這個錯誤,並建立彈簧3框架? 謝謝..
不是工作,但我試圖從SVN重新下載,並嘗試建立新的之一,它工作.. 我不知道爲什麼,但它的工作原理:d 感謝您的幫助:d/ – Hendri
這個幫助 – ssedano