2016-11-15 24 views
print ("Hey there Aga!") 
print (" ") 
begin = input("would you like to begin?: ") 
if begin == "yes": 
print ("very well then, ill give you an easy question to find the password for the first folder..") 
print (" ") 
print ("A) Hajiko") 
print ("B) Hajika") 
print ("C) Hajima") 
q1 = input ("what was the noise my phone made when we lost it?") 
if q1 == 1 
print ("yeah boy") 



瞭解語法的基本知識。在'真正的'if語句中的所有內容都應該縮進。另外,最後一個如果最後缺少「:」。 – CamiloR



縮進被用來定義的範圍,就像{}在C.你需要縮進要包含在每個if S的喜歡,所以一切:

print ("Hey there Aga!") 
print (" ") 
begin = input("would you like to begin?: ") 
if begin == "yes": 
    print ("very well then, ill give you an easy question to find the password for the first folder..") 
    print (" ") 
    print ("A) Hajiko") 
    print ("B) Hajika") 
    print ("C) Hajima") 
    q1 = input ("what was the noise my phone made when we lost it?") 
    if q1 == 1: 
    print ("yeah boy") 
