我正在調試與twitter-api集成的程序,其目的是搜索特定半徑的特定推文並將它們返回到csv文件中。它的工作原理....但有時它遇到了「UnicodeEncodeError:'ascii'編解碼器無法編碼字符u'\ u201c'在位置0:序號不在範圍(128)」錯誤,但我調整了我的代碼讓它忽略超出範圍的twitter的Unicode數據。
import urllib2, json, pprint, codecs, unicodedata, csv
## test coordinate input: 29.762778,-95.383056
## test radius 10
## test query: tebow
##Initial user input
city = raw_input("Please enter to 6 decimal places the city\ncoordinates to be searched ex. lat,long: ")
radius = raw_input("Please enter the numeric value of the\nradius in miles you'd like to search ex. 10: ")
term= raw_input("Please enter the search term you wish to query ex. tebow: ")
u = urllib2.urlopen('http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q='+term+'&geocode='+city+','+radius+'mi&page=1&rpp=20')
datares = json.load(u)
with codecs.open('Geotweets.csv',mode='w', encoding='utf-8',errors='ignore') as cache:
writer = csv.writer(cache)
for tweet in datares['results']:
writer.writerow([tweet['text'], tweet['location'], tweet['created_at'], tweet['from_user']])
@Techsan,抱歉 - 您必須開啓另一個問題。 –
@No prob Mark再次感謝! – Techsan