我有一些數據和每個文檔創建日期的列。我想使用3個輸入字段進行搜索功能:ip_address,StartDate,EndDate。搜索結果應該是在兩個日期內具有相同ip_address的所有文檔。xpages +在兩個日期之間的查看面板中搜索
我使用這個鏈接 Xpages search between 2 dates
Unexpected runtime error:The runtime has encountered an unexpected error.
com.ibm.xsp.FacesExceptionEx: Notes error: Relational operators are not supported in text fields Notes error: Relational operators are not supported in text fields enter image description here
var search = "";
var formatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
if (viewScope.StartDate) {
search += ' AND [imp_dateTrace] >=' + formatter.format(viewScope.StartDate);
if (viewScope.EndDate) {
search += ' AND [imp_dateTrace] <=' + formatter.format(viewScope.EndDate);
if (viewScope.imp) {
search += ' AND [imp_IP]="' + viewScope.imp + '"';
if (viewScope.agence) {
search += ' AND [imp_emplacement]="' + viewScope.agence + '"';
viewScope.searchquery = search;
return viewScope.searchquery.substring(5);
看來您已經從另一個問答網站發佈了其他人的問題。你有和他們一樣的問題嗎?如果您可以添加您在本網站中使用的代碼/查詢,那也不錯。 – halfer
請參閱[this](http://stackoverflow.com/q/25424109/2037229)SO – 54l3d
加入你的源代碼! – stwissel