%% Load data
estimate = [...
2000 1 1 50; ...
2000 1 2 20; ...
2000 1 3 67; ...
2000 2 1 43; ...
2000 4 1 50];
outcome = [...
2000 1 100; ...
2000 2 0; ...
2000 4 0; ...
2001 1 10];
n_estimate = size(estimate,1);
n_outcome = size(outcome,1);
%% Loop version (easier to read, more flexible)
result = zeros(n_estimate,1);
for i = 1:n_estimate
% Find matching year & quarter for this estimate
j = all(bsxfun(@eq, outcome(:,1:2), estimate(i,1:2)),2);
% Subtract estimate from outcome (seems like you want the absolute value)
result(i) = abs(outcome(j,3) - estimate(i,4));
% Append the result to the estimate matrix, and display
estimated_result = [estimate result];
%% Vectorized version (more efficient, forced assumptions)
% Note: this assumes that you have outcomes for every quarter
% (i.e. there are none missing), so we can just calculate an offset from
% the start year/quarter
% The second-last outcome violates this assumption,
% causing the last estimate to be incorrect for this version
% Build an integer index from the combined year/quarter, offset from
% the first year/quarter that is available in the outcome list
begin = outcome(1,1)*4 + outcome(1,2);
j = estimate(:,1)*4 + estimate(:,2) - begin + 1;
% Subtract estimate from outcome (seems like you want the absolute value)
result = abs(outcome(j,3) - estimate(:,4));
% Append the result to the estimate matrix, and display
estimated_result = [estimate result];
%% Vectorize version 2 (more efficient, hardest to read)
% Note: this does not assume that you have data for every quarter
% Build an inverted index to map year*4+quarter-begin to an outcome index.
begin = outcome(1,1)*4 + outcome(1,2);
i = outcome(:,1)*4+outcome(:,2)-begin+1; % outcome indices
j_inv(i) = 1:n_outcome;
% Build the forward index from estimate into outcome
j = j_inv(estimate(:,1)*4 + estimate(:,2) - begin + 1);
% Subtract estimate from outcome (seems like you want the absolute value)
result = abs(outcome(j,3) - estimate(:,4));
% Append the result to the estimate matrix, and display
estimated_result = [estimate result];
estimated_result =
2000 1 1 50 50
2000 1 2 20 80
2000 1 3 67 33
2000 2 1 43 43
2000 4 1 50 50
estimated_result =
2000 1 1 50 50
2000 1 2 20 80
2000 1 3 67 33
2000 2 1 43 43
2000 4 1 50 40
estimated_result =
2000 1 1 50 50
2000 1 2 20 80
2000 1 3 67 33
2000 2 1 43 43
2000 4 1 50 50
這個效果非常好! 'j = all(bsxfun(@eq,outcome(:,1:2),estimate(i,1:2)),2);'部分將產生一個向量[1 0 0 0 .... ]。如果我想採取並使其[0 1 0 0 0 ...]怎麼辦?之所以這樣說,是因爲在後面的一些數據集中,QTR1 2000的結果將在另一個陣列的QTR2 2000旁邊,所以一切都需要向下移動。 – user1205197
這個j是一個掩碼,你可以用'j = find(j,1,'first')'將它轉換爲索引,然後給它加1。在向量化版本中,j是一個索引向量,所以你可以直接給它們加1。 – kmac
P.S.如果此答案解決了您的問題,則可以通過單擊複選標記來接受解決方案。 ;) – kmac