while userWins < 2 or CPUWins < 2:
answer = random.randrange(3)
print("[1]-- Rock")
print("[2]-- Paper")
print("[3}-- Scissors")
guess = int(input("Enter a number corresponding to a choice.")
if guess == 1 and answer == 3: #<--This is the line that keeps getting the syntax error
userWins = userWins + 1
print(name, " wins that round")
RoundScore(userWins, CPUWins, name)
elif guess == 1 and answer = 2:
CPUWins += 1
print(name, " loses that round")
RoundScore(userWins, CPUWins, name)
回溯(最近通話最後一個): 文件 「E:/Cosc-151/Assignment5/a5_v34.py」,1號線,在 進口MODS的 文件 「E:/ COSC-151/Assignment5 \ Mods.py」 61行 如果猜測== 1,並回答== 3: ^ 語法錯誤:無效的語法
很多時候,當你得到一個語法錯誤,實際的錯誤是上一行。在這種情況下,我想你錯過了')' – Aaron 2014-12-03 00:52:50