2012-05-24 20 views


function doOnOrientationChange() { 
     // Orientation of device has changed, change the size of map and move the maphelp (if required) 
     var eminpx = $("#1em").width(); 
     var largescreeninpx = eminpx*66.236; 
     switch(window.orientation) { 
      case -90: 
      case 90: 
       // Orientation is landscape 
       console.log('66.236ems in px: ' + largescreeninpx + '. Screen width: ' + screen.height); 
       $("#map").height(screen.width*0.7); // The screen width is the viewport height of the device because we're in landscape orientation 
       // Will only work if we can actually get the em value of the width 
       if (screen.height < largescreeninpx) { 
        // Small or medium screen, show map help below map 
        console.log('small screen'); 
        $("#maphelp").css('margin-top', 0); 
       } else { 
        // Larger screen, show map and map help side-by-side 
        $("#maphelp").css('margin-top', -screen.width*0.7); 
       // Orientation is portrait 
       alert('66.23ems in px: ' + largescreeninpx + '. Screen width: ' + screen.width); 
       // Will only work if we can actually get the em value of the width 
       if (screen.width < largescreeninpx) { 
        // Small or medium screen, show map help below map 
        $("#maphelp").css('margin-top', 0); 
       } else { 
        // Larger screen, show map and map help side-by-side 
        $("#maphelp").css('margin-top', -screen.height*0.7); 

雖然在CSS風景iPad將不會觸發@media screen and (min-width: 30em) and (max-width: 63.236em) {...}(這意味着它具有的超過63.236ems的寬度),在JS它觸發console.log('small screen'),表示獲得時,它具有小於66.236ems屏幕寬度通過JS?

原問題(相當多的回答) 我想創建一個圍繞「The Goldilocks Approach」的網站。在電子表格中,一切都很好用,但我試圖動態設置嵌入式地圖的高度,以便始終爲用戶當前視口高度的90%。然而,在地圖旁邊也可以是一些「地圖幫助」,允許瀏覽器視口足夠大(在這種情況下,66.23ems,縱向的iPad超過66.23ems)。下面是我的代碼,它被評論,以顯示什麼不工作。

function doOnOrientationChange() { 
     // Orientation of device has changed, change the size of map and move the maphelp (if required) 
     switch(window.orientation) { 
      case -90: 
      case 90: 
       // Orientation is landscape 
       $("#map").height(screen.width*0.9); // The screen width is the viewport height of the device because we're in landscape orientation 
       if ($(window).width() > 66.23) { // Need this in ems 
        // Small or medium screen, show map help below map 
        $("#maphelp").css('margin-top', 0); 
       } else { 
        // Larger screen, show map and map help side-by-side 
        $("#maphelp").css('margin-top', -screen.width*0.9); 
       // Orientation is portrait 
       if ($(window).width() < 66.23) { // Need this in ems 
        // Small or medium screen, show map help below map 
        $("#maphelp").css('margin-top', 0); 
       } else { 
        // Larger screen, show map and map help side-by-side 
        $("#maphelp").css('margin-top', -screen.height*0.9); 





https://stackoverflow.com/a/1463032/50358是一個很好的回答了這個問題:What is the relationship between ems and pixels?


我已經創建了'寬度的DIV:1EM; '和'display:hidden;'。這似乎適用於桌面瀏覽器,但不適用於iOS。 'var em = $(「#1em」)。width(); var maxwidth = em * 66.23'。有任何想法嗎? (我只是得到「解析錯誤」) –


對不起,我自己的愚蠢,試圖把代碼放在'switch'的開頭,而不是函數! –


看起來2是不一樣的,根據CSS,橫向上的iPad寬度超過66.236ems,而使用JS則不是。請參閱OP瞭解更多信息:) –