我在訪問2010年中創建了一個ado創建的記錄集,它從sql server 2008 r2上的存儲過程返回9個不同的字段。如何在兩個字段中包含逗號時使用ADO將多個字段插入到表中
我想使用這個記錄集(填充)將所有記錄插入匹配輸出的表中。我的問題是,兩個字段是名稱字段,其中包含逗號。例如,史密斯約瑟夫 - 我需要將該逗號插入相應的字段。現在它由於字段中的逗號而引發錯誤。
Option Compare Database
'Executes the filtering routine
Private Sub cmdApplyFilter_Click()
'If txtStartDate.Value And txtEndDate.Value Is Not Null Then
' QuickFilter
' DefaultRun
'End If
'********** Filter as you type **********
'Private Sub txtFilter_Change()
' QuickFilter
'End Sub
End Sub
'Perform the actual filtering on the subform
Private Sub QuickFilter()
Dim Sql As String
Dim filter As String
If txtStartDate = vbNullString Then
'Reset the filter if the textbox is empty
'This will be the default sql statement to fill the subreport
SubForm.Form.FilterOn = False
'Some common substitutions that users may have already inserted as wildchars
filter = Replace(txtStartDate, "%", "*")
filter = Replace("*" & filter & "*", "**", "*")
'Construct the filter for the sql statement
'/*********** GROUP BY GOES HERE ***********/
'Assign the filter to the subform
'SubForm.Form.filter = Sql
'SubFomr.Form.FilterOn = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Sets up the connection with the sql server database retrieves the stored procedure, executes it and puts the result set into a table
Dim Conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim Cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim Rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim Connect As String
Dim filter As String
Connect = "Provider =SQLNCLI10; Data Source=; Initial Catalog=CCVG; User Id = oe; Password = Orth03c0; "
'Establish the connection with sql server
Set Conn = New ADODB.Connection
Conn.ConnectionString = Connect
'Open the recorset
Set Cmd = New ADODB.Command
Cmd.ActiveConnection = Conn
Cmd.CommandText = "dbo.cusGenNoNotesReport"
Cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
Set Rs = Cmd.Execute()
Dim x As Integer
If Not Rs.BOF And Not Rs.EOF Then
If Not Rs.BOF Then Rs.MoveFirst
Do Until Rs.EOF
For x = 0 To Rs.Fields.Count - 1
MsgBox Rs.Fields(x)
'DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblNoNotes (Provider, Facility, TicketNumber, Charges, FinancialClass, CPT, CPTDescription, PatientFullName, DateOfEntry) SELECT " & Rs.Fields(x).Value & ""
Next x
End If
'Process results from recordset, then close it.
'DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblNoNotes (Provider, Facility, TicketNumber, Charges, FinancialClass, CPT, CPTDescription, PatientFullName, DateOfEntry) VALUES (""" & Rs![Provider] & """,""" & Rs![Facility] & """ & Rs![TicketNumber] & """, """ & Rs![Charges] & """, """ & Rs![FinancialClass] & """, """ & Rs![CPT] & """, """ & Rs![CPTDescription] & """, """ & Rs![PatientFullName] & """, """ & Rs![DateOfEntry] & """)"
Set Rs = Nothing
Set Cmd = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
End Sub
ADO.Net如何參與這個問題? – HansUp
這是我創建記錄集的方式,我想也許它會與答案有關。只是想通過 – MaximusPrime
抱歉,我迷路了。我不明白你是怎樣一起使用ADO.Net和Access VBA的。這可能有助於向我們展示代碼,以便我們可以看到您如何試圖將記錄集中的數據添加到表中。 (順便說一句,downvote不是從我。) – HansUp