public class FiscalPivot_Class {
List<AggregateResult> aggOpp;
public List<string> periodYearList {get; set; }
PivotTimeSeries_Class.PivotRowAndTimeWrapper completeRowWrapper; // takes (String name, string accountId, map<string, decimal> amountMap, decimal lineTotal)
public List<PivotTimeSeries_Class.PivotRowWrapper> completeRowList {get; set; }
public FiscalPivot_Class() {
aggOpp = [SELECT sum(amount) TotalAmount, accountId, account.name varName, CALENDAR_QUARTER(closedate) period, CALENDAR_YEAR(closedate) year FROM Opportunity
GROUP BY CALENDAR_QUARTER(closedate), CALENDAR_YEAR(closedate), account.name, accountId ORDER BY account.name ASC, CALENDAR_YEAR(closedate) ASC, CALENDAR_QUARTER(closedate) ASC ];
system.debug('aggOpp= ' + aggOpp);
completeRowWrapper = PivotTimeSeries_Class.pivotTimeSeries(aggOpp);
completeRowList = completeRowWrapper.Wrapper;
periodYearList = completeRowWrapper.periodYearList;
system.debug('completeRowList=' +completeRowList);
} // end the constructor
} // end the class
public class PivotTimeSeries_Class {
/*This class takes a aggregate result and returns a wrapper that give a horitzontal perspective to time series data
* The time series should have the following key variables
* totalAmount - sum of amounts
* period - should be aggregated close date either month or quarter
* year - aggregated years
* aName - the variable to have vertically
* */
public static PivotRowAndTimeWrapper pivotTimeSeries(List<AggregateResult> aggOpp) {
// part 1 take the aggregate result and turn it into a list
set<string> periodYearSet = new set<string>(); // the complete list of periods and years in string form
List<string> periodYearList = new List<string>();
List<AggListWrapper> wrapperList = new List<AggListWrapper>();
List<PivotRowWrapper> completeRowList = new List<PivotRowWrapper>();
try {
for (AggregateResult agg:aggOpp) {
String name = (string)agg.get('varName');
String acctId = (string)agg.get('accountID');
Integer period = (Integer)agg.get('period');
Integer year = (Integer)agg.get('year');
Decimal amount = (Decimal)agg.get('totalAmount');
if (amount == NULL) { amount = 0;}
AggListWrapper wrapper = new AggListWrapper(name, acctId, amount, period, year);
} catch (exception e) {
system.debug('error in the aggOpp loop ' + e);
system.debug('end of part 1 wrapperList = ' + wrapperList);
// end part 1 we now have a full wrapper list
// part 2
Map<string, Decimal> amountMap = new Map<String, Decimal>();
string lastname;
string name;
string accountId;
try {
for (AggListWrapper wrapper:wrapperList) {
name = wrapper.name;
accountId = wrapper.accountId;
decimal amount = wrapper.amount;
string periodYear = ''+ wrapper.year + '-' + wrapper.period;
if (lastName == NULL) { lastName=name;}
if (lastName != name) {
completeRowList.add(new PivotRowWrapper(lastName, accountId, amountMap, NULL));
amountMap = new Map<string, Decimal>();
amountMap.put(periodYear, amount);
system.debug('**** end of loop name=' + name + ' lastName=' + lastName + ' amountMap=' + amountMap);
lastName = name;
} catch (exception e) {
system.debug('error in the wraperList lopp ' + e);
completeRowList.add(new PivotRowWrapper(name, accountId, amountMap, NULL)); // line total is null when we first go through
system.debug('end part 2 - complteRowList = ' + completeRowList);
// end part 2
// Part 3 - take map of account names (sub map of time periods) and loop through the time periods and add zero's to any missing time periods
List<PivotRowWrapper> updatedRowList = new List<PivotRowWrapper>();
for (PivotRowWrapper wrapper: completeRowList) {
name = wrapper.name;
accountId = wrapper.accountId;
amountMap = new Map<string, Decimal>();
Decimal lineTotal= 0;
Decimal amount = 0;
for (String qtrYear :periodYearList) {
if(wrapper.amountMap.containsKey(qtrYear)) {
amount = wrapper.amountMap.get(qtrYear);
amountMap.put(qtrYear, amount);
lineTotal += amount;
} else {
amountMap.put(qtrYear, 0);
updatedRowList.add(new PivotRowWrapper(name, accountId, amountMap, lineTotal));
completeRowList = updatedRowList;
system.debug('Part 3 completeRowList AFTER = ' + completeRowList);
system.debug('period list ' + periodYearList);
PivotRowAndTimeWrapper completeRowTimeWrapper = new PivotRowAndTimeWrapper(completeRowList, periodYearList);
return completeRowTimeWrapper;
} // end the static pivot time series method
// *****************************************************************************
public class QtrSalesWrapper {
// takes data from an List and allows for the combining of the amounts according to period/year into a map
public string name;
public string accountId;
public Map<String, Decimal> qtrSalesAmount;
public QtrSalesWrapper(String name, string accountId, Map<String, Decimal> qtrSalesAmount) {
this.name = name;
this.accountId = accountId;
this.qtrSalesAmount = qtrSalesAmount;
} // end QtrSalesWrapper
public class AggListWrapper {
// takes data from an aggregate result query and turns it into a list with the appropriate variables
public string name;
public string accountId;
public Decimal amount;
public Integer period;
public Integer year;
public AggListWrapper(String name, string accountId, Decimal amount, Integer period, Integer year) {
this.name = name;
this.accountId = accountId;
this.amount = amount;
this.period = period;
this.year = year;
} // end the aggListWrapper
public class PivotRowWrapper {
public string name {get; set; }
public string accountId {get; set;}
public map<string, decimal> amountMap {get; set;}
public decimal lineTotal {Get; set; }
public PivotRowWrapper(String name, string accountId, map<string, decimal> amountMap, decimal lineTotal) {
this.name = name;
this.accountId = accountId;
this.amountMap = amountMap;
this.lineTotal = lineTotal;
} // end the wrapper class
public class PivotRowAndTimeWrapper {
public List<PivotRowWrapper> wrapper {get; set; }
public List<String> periodYearList {get; set; }
public PivotRowAndTimeWrapper(List<PivotRowWrapper> wrapper, List<String> periodYearList) {
this.wrapper = wrapper;
this.periodYearList = periodYearList;
} // end the main clasS*****************
<apex:page controller="FiscalPivot_Class">
<apex:pageblock >
<apex:pageblocktable value="{!completeRowList}" var="row">
<apex:column >
<apex:outputtext >{!row.name}</apex:outputtext>
<apex:repeat value="{!periodYearList}" var="periodYear">
<apex:column headerValue="{!periodYear}" >
<apex:outputtext value="{0,number,###,###,##0}" ><apex:param value="{!row.amountMap[periodYear]}"/></apex:outputtext>
<apex:column >
<apex:facet: name="header">Total</apex:facet:>
<apex:outputtext value="{0,number,###,###,##0}" ><apex:param value="{!row.lineTotal}"/></apex:outputtext>