2014-12-23 39 views

試圖學習SVN的基礎知識(現在使用SilkSVN命令行)。我創建了一個衝突,做了「SVN更新」並選擇了合併,然後「(2)使用你的版本,它說」合併Sample1.ps1「完成。但隨後它將菜單放回到屏幕上並想要選擇另一個選項。只有一個文件存在衝突。爲什麼我的合併後更新沒有成功完成?SVN更新 - 最簡單的合併 - 合併後仍然不高興

C:\代碼\演示>使用svn commit -m 「測試衝突」 發送Sample1.ps1 的svn:E155011:提交失敗(細節如下): 的svn:E155011:文件「C:\代碼\演示\ Sample1.ps1' 已經過時 SVN的:E160028:文件‘/Sample1.ps1’已經過時

c:\Code\Demo>svn update 
Updating '.': 
C Sample1.ps1 
Updated to revision 5. 
Conflict discovered in file 'Sample1.ps1'. 
Select: (p) postpone, (df) show diff, (e) edit file, (m) merge, 
     (mc) my side of conflict, (tc) their side of conflict, 
     (s) show all options: m 
Merging 'Sample1.ps1'. 
Conflicting section found during merge: 
(1) their version (at line 6)   |(2) your version (at line 6) 
Write-Host "The Demo2 Change End"  |Write-Host "The End - Some other Demo 
Select: (1) use their version, (2) use your version, 
     (12) their version first, then yours, 
     (21) your version first, then theirs, 
     (e1) edit their version and use the result, 
     (e2) edit your version and use the result, 
     (eb) edit both versions and use the result, 
     (p) postpone this conflicting section leaving conflict markers, 
     (a) abort file merge and return to main menu: 2 
Merge of 'Sample1.ps1' completed. 
Select: (p) postpone, (df) show diff, (e) edit file, (m) merge, 
     (r) mark resolved, (mc) my side of conflict, 
     (tc) their side of conflict, (s) show all options: s 

對於'svn up',我通常最終選擇'推遲'並自己手動解決問題。然後,使用'svn resolved'來標記已解決的文件。我不喜歡在更新中嘗試解決問題。 –


