PYTHON: Searching for a file name from an array and then relocating the file排序和在Python
import os, os.path, sys, shutil
root = '.'
dst = "/Users/xx/Desktop/newFolder"
print "/////// F I N D__A L L__F I L E S __W I T H I N __R A N G E ///////////////////"
selectPhotos = range(260, 213921)
print selectPhotos[::260]
print "/////// L I S T__O F __A L L __J P E G S ///////////////////"
for files in os.listdir("/Users/xx/Desktop/spaceOddy/"):
#if files.endswith(".jpg"):
# print files
if files.startswith(('00260', '00520', '00780')):
print files
#shutil.copyfile(files, "/Users/xx/Desktop")
shutil.move ("files", dst)
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