2016-01-08 59 views

我正在處理uni工作的任務,其目標是計算給定目錄內的所有文件和目錄,然後所有子目錄也是如此。我們被禁止使用find,locate,du或任何遞歸命令(例如ls -R)。 爲了解決這個問題,我試圖使我自己的遞歸命令,並在上面運行到錯誤,更specificly是line 37: testdir/.hidd1/: syntax error: operand expected (error token is ".hidd1/") The Hierarchy I'm using 這種情況的代碼如下:Bash - 錯誤:語法錯誤:期望操作數(錯誤標記爲「testdir/.hidd1 /」)

function searchDirectory { 

    echo "curdir = $curdir" 
    # Rather than change directory ensure that each recursive call uses the $curdir/NameOfWantedDirectory 
    noDir=$(ls -l -A $curdir| grep ^d | wc -l) # Work out the number of directories in the current directory 
    echo "noDir = $noDir" 

    shopt -s nullglob # Enable nullglob to prevent a null term being added to the array 
    directories=(*/ .*/) # Store all directories and hidden directories into the array 'directories' 
    shopt -u nullglob #Turn off nullglob to ensure it doesn't later interfere 
    echo "${directories[@]}" # Print out the array directories 

    y=0 # Declares a variable to act as a index value 
    for i in $(ls -d ${curdir}*/ ${curdir}.*/); do # loops through all directories both visible and hidden 
     if [[ "${i:(-3)}" = "../" ]]; then 
      echo "Found ./" 
     elif [[ "${i:(-2)}" = "./" ]]; then 
      echo "Found ../" 
     else # When position i is ./ or ../ the loop advances otherwise the value is added to directories and y is incremented before the loop advances 
      echo "Adding $i to directories" 
      let "y++" 
    done # Adds all directories except ./ and ../ to the array directories 
    echo "${directories[@]}" 
    if [[ "${noDir}" -gt "0" ]]; then 
     for i in ${directories[@]}; do 
      echo "at position i ${directories[$i]}" 
      searchDirectory ${directories[$i]}  #### <--- line 37 - the error line 
     done # Loops through subdirectories to reach the bottom of the hierarchy using recursion 

    visfiles=$(ls -l $tgtdir | grep -v ^total | grep -v ^d | wc -l) 
    # Calls the ls -l command which puts each file on a new line, then removes the line which states the total and any lines starting with a 'd' which would be a directory with grep -v, 
    #finally counts all lines using wc -l 
    hiddenfiles=$(expr $(ls -l -a $tgtdir | grep -v ^total | grep -v ^d | wc -l) - $visfiles) 
    # Finds the total number of files including hidden and puts them on a line each (using -l and -a (all)) removes the line stating the total as well as any directoriesand then counts them. 
    #Then stores the number of hidden files by expressing the complete number of files minus the visible files. 
    visdir=$(ls -l $tgtdir | grep ^d | wc -l) 
    # Counts visible directories by using ls -l then filtering it with grep to find all lines starting with a d indicating a directory. Then counts the lines with wc -l. 
    hiddir=$(expr $(ls -l -a $tgtdir | grep ^d | wc -l) - $visdir) 
    # Finds hidden directories by expressing total number of directories including hidden - total number of visible directories 
    #At minimum this will be 2 as it includes the directories . and .. 
    total=$(expr $visfiles + $hiddenfiles + $visdir + $hiddir) # Calculates total number of files and directories including hidden. 
searchDirectory $tgtdir 
echo "Total Files: $visfiles (+$hiddenfiles hidden)" 
echo "Directories Found: $visdir (+$hiddir hidden)" 
echo "Total files and directories: $total" 
exit 0 



哪條線是#37? –


通過[ShellCheck](http://www.shellcheck.net)運行腳本! – user3439894



行37是searchDirectory ${directories[$i]},因爲我數。是?

  • 將for循環替換爲for i in "${directories[@]}"; do - 添加雙引號。這將保持每個元素作爲自己的單詞。
  • 將第37行替換爲searchDirectory "$i"for循環給出了每個元素的數組i,而不是每個索引。因此,你不需要再次進入directories - i已經有你需要的單詞。

此外,我注意到第22行和第25行上的echo s被交換:)。


乾杯,這已經幫了很多 – HRusby


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