  • angularjs
  • 2015-11-04 46 views -1 likes 
    <!DOCTYPE html> 
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        <title>Batch editable table</title> 
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         <h2 class="page-header">Batch editable table</h2> 
         <div class="row"> 
         <div class="col-md-6"> 
          <div class="bs-callout bs-callout-info"> 
          <p>Example of how to create a batch editable table.</p> 
         <div class="col-md-6"> 
          <div class="bs-callout bs-callout-warning"> 
          <p>There are several directives in use that track dirty state and validity of the table rows. Whilst they are reasonally capable they are <em>not production tested - use at your own risk!</em> <a href="#" ng-click="isExplanationOpen = !isExplanationOpen">More details...</a></p> 
          <div ng-show="isExplanationOpen"> 
           <p>If you look at the declarative markup for the <code>ngTable</code> you'll see a bunch of nested <code>ngForm</code> directives, with a common ancestor <code>ngForm</code> at the level of the table element. Each nested <code>ngForm</code>    propogates their <code>$dirty</code> and <code>$invalid</code> state to this top level <code>ngForm</code>. This works great as you can enable/disable the buttons for saving the table based on the status of this single top-level <code>ngForm</code>.</p> 
           <p>This works up till the point that the user select's a new page to display in the table. At which point the existing nested <code>ngForm</code> directives are swapped out for new instances as the new data page is loaded. These new <code>ngForm</code>    directives are always pristine and valid and this status propogates setting the corrosponding state on the top-level to be pristine and valid even though rows from the previous page are dirty and possibly invalid.</p> 
           <p>The solution is to have a set of directives that sit parallel to the <code>ngForm</code> directives that remember the state of the rows when the corrosponding <code>ngFrom</code> directives are destroyed and recreated. When <code>ngForm</code>    directives are recreated they have their status reset by the directives that have remembered this state.</p> 
        <div class="row"> 
        <div class="col-md-6" ng-controller="demoController as demo"> 
         <h3>ngTable directive</h3> 
         <div class="brn-group pull-right"> 
         <button class="btn btn-default" ng-if="demo.isEditing" ng-click="demo.cancelChanges()"> 
          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> 
         <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-if="!demo.isEditing" ng-click="demo.isEditing = true"> 
          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> 
         <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-if="demo.isEditing" ng-disabled="!demo.hasChanges() || demo.tableTracker.$invalid" ng-click="demo.saveChanges()"> 
          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> 
         <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="demo.add()"> 
          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> 
         <table ng-table="demo.tableParams" class="table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed editable-table" ng-form="demo.tableForm" disable-filter="demo.isAdding" demo-tracked-table="demo.tableTracker"> 
          <col width="70%" /> 
          <col width="12%" /> 
          <col width="13%" /> 
          <col width="5%" /> 
         <tr ng-repeat="row in $data" ng-form="rowForm" demo-tracked-table-row="row"> 
          <td title="'Name'" filter="{name: 'text'}" sortable="'name'" ng-switch="demo.isEditing" ng-class="name.$dirty ? 'bg-warning' : ''" ng-form="name" demo-tracked-table-cell> 
          <span ng-switch-default class="editable-text">{{}}</span> 
          <div class="controls" ng-class="name.$invalid && name.$dirty ? 'has-error' : ''" ng-switch-when="true"> 
           <input type="text" name="name" ng-model="" class="editable-input form-control input-sm" required /> 
          <td title="'Age'" filter="{age: 'number'}" sortable="'age'" ng-switch="demo.isEditing" ng-class="age.$dirty ? 'bg-warning' : ''" ng-form="age" demo-tracked-table-cell> 
          <span ng-switch-default class="editable-text">{{row.age}}</span> 
          <div class="controls" ng-class="age.$invalid && age.$dirty ? 'has-error' : ''" ng-switch-when="true"> 
           <input type="number" name="age" ng-model="row.age" class="editable-input form-control input-sm" required/> 
          <td title="'Money'" filter="{money: 'number'}" sortable="'money'" ng-switch="demo.isEditing" ng-class="money.$dirty ? 'bg-warning' : ''" ng-form="money" demo-tracked-table-cell> 
          <span ng-switch-default class="editable-text">{{}}</span> 
          <div class="controls" ng-class="money.$invalid && money.$dirty ? 'has-error' : ''" ng-switch-when="true"> 
           <input type="number" name="money" ng-model="" class="editable-input form-control input-sm" required/> 
          <button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" ng-click="demo.del(row)" ng-disabled="!demo.isEditing"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></button> 
        <div class="col-md-6" ng-controller="dynamicDemoController as demo"> 
         <h3>ngTableDynamic directive</h3> 
         <div class="brn-group pull-right"> 
         <button class="btn btn-default" ng-if="demo.isEditing" ng-click="demo.cancelChanges()"> 
          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> 
         <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-if="!demo.isEditing" ng-click="demo.isEditing = true"> 
          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> 
         <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-if="demo.isEditing" ng-disabled="!demo.hasChanges() || demo.tableTracker.$invalid" ng-click="demo.saveChanges()"> 
          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> 
         <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="demo.add()"> 
          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> 
         <table ng-table-dynamic="demo.tableParams with demo.cols" class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover editable-table" ng-form="demo.tableForm" disable-filter="demo.isAdding" demo-tracked-table="demo.tableTracker"> 
          <col width="70%" /> 
          <col width="12%" /> 
          <col width="13%" /> 
          <col width="5%" /> 
         <tr ng-repeat="row in $data" ng-form="rowForm" demo-tracked-table-row="row"> 
          <td ng-repeat="col in $columns" ng-class="rowForm[col.field].$dirty ? 'bg-warning' : ''" ng-form="{{col.field}}" demo-tracked-table-cell> 
          <span ng-if="col.dataType !== 'command' && !demo.isEditing" class="editable-text">{{row[col.field]}}</span> 
          <div ng-if="col.dataType !== 'command' && demo.isEditing" class="controls" ng-class="rowForm[col.field].$invalid && rowForm[col.field].$dirty ? 'has-error' : ''" ng-switch="col.dataType"> 
           <input ng-switch-default type="text" name="{{col.field}}" ng-model="row[col.field]" class="editable-input form-control input-sm" required /> 
           <input ng-switch-when="number" type="number" name="{{col.field}}" ng-model="row[col.field]" class="editable-input form-control input-sm" required /> 
          <button ng-if="col.dataType === 'command'" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" ng-click="demo.del(row)" ng-disabled="!demo.isEditing"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></button> 
        <script src=''></script> 
    <script src=''></script> 
    <script src=''></script> 
         <script src="js/index.js"></script> 
        <script src=""></script> 


    angular.module("myApp", ["ngTable", "ngTableDemos"]); 
    (function() { 
        "use strict"; 
        angular.module("myApp").controller("demoController", demoController); 
        demoController.$inject = ["NgTableParams", "ngTableSimpleList"]; 
        function demoController(NgTableParams, simpleList) { 
        var self = this; 
        var originalData = angular.copy(simpleList); 
        self.tableParams = new NgTableParams({}, { 
         dataset: angular.copy(simpleList) 
        self.deleteCount = 0; 
        self.add = add; 
        self.cancelChanges = cancelChanges; 
        self.del = del; 
        self.hasChanges = hasChanges; 
        self.saveChanges = saveChanges; 
        function add() { 
         self.isEditing = true; 
         self.isAdding = true; 
         name: "", 
         age: null, 
         money: null 
         // we need to ensure the user sees the new row we've just added. 
         // it seems a poor but reliable choice to remove sorting and move them to the first page 
         // where we know that our new item was added to 
         self.tableParams.sorting({}); ; 
        function cancelChanges() { 
         var currentPage =; 
         dataset: angular.copy(originalData) 
         // keep the user on the current page when we can 
         if (!self.isAdding) { ; 
        function del(row) { 
         _.remove(self.tableParams.settings().dataset, function(item) { 
         return row === item; 
         self.tableParams.reload().then(function(data) { 
         if (data.length === 0 && > 0) { 
 - 1); 
        function hasChanges() { 
         return self.tableForm.$dirty || self.deleteCount > 0 
        function resetTableStatus() { 
         self.isEditing = false; 
         self.isAdding = false; 
         self.deleteCount = 0; 
        function saveChanges() { 
         var currentPage =; 
         originalData = angular.copy(self.tableParams.settings().dataset); 
    (function() { 
        "use strict"; 
        angular.module("myApp").controller("dynamicDemoController", dynamicDemoController); 
        dynamicDemoController.$inject = ["NgTableParams", "ngTableSimpleList"]; 
        function dynamicDemoController(NgTableParams, simpleList) { 
        var self = this; 
        var originalData = angular.copy(simpleList); 
        self.cols = [{ 
         field: "name", 
         title: "Name", 
         filter: { 
         name: "text" 
         sortable: "name", 
         dataType: "text" 
        }, { 
         field: "age", 
         title: "Age", 
         filter: { 
         age: "number" 
         sortable: "age", 
         dataType: "number" 
        }, { 
         field: "money", 
         title: "Money", 
         filter: { 
         money: "number" 
         sortable: "money", 
         dataType: "number" 
        }, { 
         field: "action", 
         title: "", 
         dataType: "command" 
        self.tableParams = new NgTableParams({}, { 
         dataset: angular.copy(simpleList) 
        self.deleteCount = 0; 
        self.add = add; 
        self.cancelChanges = cancelChanges; 
        self.del = del; 
        self.hasChanges = hasChanges; 
        self.saveChanges = saveChanges; 
        function add() { 
         self.isEditing = true; 
         self.isAdding = true; 
         name: "", 
         age: null, 
         money: null 
         // we need to ensure the user sees the new row we've just added. 
         // it seems a poor but reliable choice to remove sorting and move them to the first page 
         // where we know that our new item was added to 
         self.tableParams.sorting({}); ; 
        function cancelChanges() { 
         var currentPage =; 
         dataset: angular.copy(originalData) 
         // keep the user on the current page when we can 
         if (!self.isAdding) { ; 
        function del(row) { 
         _.remove(self.tableParams.settings().dataset, function(item) { 
         return row === item; 
         self.tableParams.reload().then(function(data) { 
         if (data.length === 0 && > 0) { 
 - 1); 
        function hasChanges() { 
         return self.tableForm.$dirty || self.deleteCount > 0 
        function resetTableStatus() { 
         self.isEditing = false; 
         self.isAdding = false; 
         self.deleteCount = 0; 
        function saveChanges() { 
         var currentPage =; 
         originalData = angular.copy(self.tableParams.settings().dataset); 
    (function() { 
        "use strict"; 
        configureDefaults.$inject = ["ngTableDefaults"]; 
        function configureDefaults(ngTableDefaults) { 
        ngTableDefaults.params.count = 5; 
        ngTableDefaults.settings.counts = []; 
        The following directives are necessary in order to track dirty state and validity of the rows 
        in the table as the user pages within the grid 
    (function() { 
        angular.module("myApp").directive("demoTrackedTable", demoTrackedTable); 
        demoTrackedTable.$inject = []; 
        function demoTrackedTable() { 
        return { 
         restrict: "A", 
         priority: -1, 
         require: "ngForm", 
         controller: demoTrackedTableController 
        demoTrackedTableController.$inject = ["$scope", "$parse", "$attrs", "$element"]; 
        function demoTrackedTableController($scope, $parse, $attrs, $element) { 
        var self = this; 
        var tableForm = $element.controller("form"); 
        var dirtyCellsByRow = []; 
        var invalidCellsByRow = []; 
        function init() { 
         var setter = $parse($attrs.demoTrackedTable).assign; 
         setter($scope, self); 
         $scope.$on("$destroy", function() { 
         self.reset = reset; 
         self.isCellDirty = isCellDirty; 
         self.setCellDirty = setCellDirty; 
         self.setCellInvalid = setCellInvalid; 
         self.untrack = untrack; 
        function getCellsForRow(row, cellsByRow) { 
         return _.find(cellsByRow, function(entry) { 
         return entry.row === row; 
        function isCellDirty(row, cell) { 
         var rowCells = getCellsForRow(row, dirtyCellsByRow); 
         return rowCells && rowCells.cells.indexOf(cell) !== -1; 
        function reset() { 
         dirtyCellsByRow = []; 
         invalidCellsByRow = []; 
        function setCellDirty(row, cell, isDirty) { 
         setCellStatus(row, cell, isDirty, dirtyCellsByRow); 
        function setCellInvalid(row, cell, isInvalid) { 
         setCellStatus(row, cell, isInvalid, invalidCellsByRow); 
         setInvalid(invalidCellsByRow.length > 0); 
        function setCellStatus(row, cell, value, cellsByRow) { 
         var rowCells = getCellsForRow(row, cellsByRow); 
         if (!rowCells && !value) { 
         if (value) { 
         if (!rowCells) { 
          rowCells = { 
          row: row, 
          cells: [] 
         if (rowCells.cells.indexOf(cell) === -1) { 
         } else { 
         _.remove(rowCells.cells, function(item) { 
          return cell === item; 
         if (rowCells.cells.length === 0) { 
          _.remove(cellsByRow, function(item) { 
          return rowCells === item; 
        function setInvalid(isInvalid) { 
         self.$invalid = isInvalid; 
         self.$valid = !isInvalid; 
        function untrack(row) { 
         _.remove(invalidCellsByRow, function(item) { 
         return item.row === row; 
         _.remove(dirtyCellsByRow, function(item) { 
         return item.row === row; 
         setInvalid(invalidCellsByRow.length > 0); 
    (function() { 
        angular.module("myApp").directive("demoTrackedTableRow", demoTrackedTableRow); 
        demoTrackedTableRow.$inject = []; 
        function demoTrackedTableRow() { 
        return { 
         restrict: "A", 
         priority: -1, 
         require: ["^demoTrackedTable", "ngForm"], 
         controller: demoTrackedTableRowController 
        demoTrackedTableRowController.$inject = ["$attrs", "$element", "$parse", "$scope"]; 
        function demoTrackedTableRowController($attrs, $element, $parse, $scope) { 
        var self = this; 
        var row = $parse($attrs.demoTrackedTableRow)($scope); 
        var rowFormCtrl = $element.controller("form"); 
        var trackedTableCtrl = $element.controller("demoTrackedTable"); 
        self.isCellDirty = isCellDirty; 
        self.setCellDirty = setCellDirty; 
        self.setCellInvalid = setCellInvalid; 
        function isCellDirty(cell) { 
         return trackedTableCtrl.isCellDirty(row, cell); 
        function setCellDirty(cell, isDirty) { 
         trackedTableCtrl.setCellDirty(row, cell, isDirty) 
        function setCellInvalid(cell, isInvalid) { 
         trackedTableCtrl.setCellInvalid(row, cell, isInvalid) 
    (function() { 
        angular.module("myApp").directive("demoTrackedTableCell", demoTrackedTableCell); 
        demoTrackedTableCell.$inject = []; 
        function demoTrackedTableCell() { 
        return { 
         restrict: "A", 
         priority: -1, 
         scope: true, 
         require: ["^demoTrackedTableRow", "ngForm"], 
         controller: demoTrackedTableCellController 
        demoTrackedTableCellController.$inject = ["$attrs", "$element", "$scope"]; 
        function demoTrackedTableCellController($attrs, $element, $scope) { 
        var self = this; 
        var cellFormCtrl = $element.controller("form"); 
        var cellName = cellFormCtrl.$name; 
        var trackedTableRowCtrl = $element.controller("demoTrackedTableRow"); 
        if (trackedTableRowCtrl.isCellDirty(cellName)) { 
        } else { 
        // note: we don't have to force setting validaty as angular will run validations 
        // when we page back to a row that contains invalid data 
        $scope.$watch(function() { 
         return cellFormCtrl.$dirty; 
        }, function(newValue, oldValue) { 
         if (newValue === oldValue) return; 
         trackedTableRowCtrl.setCellDirty(cellName, newValue); 
        $scope.$watch(function() { 
         return cellFormCtrl.$invalid; 
        }, function(newValue, oldValue) { 
         if (newValue === oldValue) return; 
         trackedTableRowCtrl.setCellInvalid(cellName, newValue); 

    這是JavaScript文件 上面的代碼是angularjs。它通過添加行,刪除,編輯來顯示錶格加載數據。 請解決這個問題。我得到錯誤[$ injector:modulerr]。請幫我解決


    嘗試改變功能demoController(NgTableParams,ngTableSimpleList){ – Sajeetharan



    編輯:他們創造不同codepen爲ngTableDemoslook here




    angular.module("myApp", ["ngTable"]); 

    它不工作.. – Anoj


    我在這裏找到了上面的代碼 -它在那裏工作。但是,定製不起作用 – Anoj


    檢查我更新的答案 – Reza
