我已經修改了標記位 - 而不是按鈕,我有不同的JSON文件複選框,以這種方式:
<input class="fetchSeries" type="checkbox"> Service One
<a href="@Server.MapPath("~/Scripts/flot/servicedataone.json")"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true },
yaxis: {
xaxis: {
mode: "time"
grid: { hoverable: true }
var data = [];
var placeholder = $("#placeholder");
$.plot(placeholder, data, options);
// fetch one series, adding to what we got
var alreadyFetched = {};
$("input.fetchSeries").click(function() {
var button = $(this);
// find the URL in the link right next to us
var dataurl = button.siblings('a').attr('href');
// then fetch the data with jQuery
function onDataReceived (series) {
// extract the first coordinate pair so you can see that
// data is now an ordinary Javascript object
var firstcoordinate = '(' + series.data[0][0] + ', ' + series.data[0][1] + ')';
//button.siblings('span').text('Fetched ' + series.label + ', first point: ' + firstcoordinate);
// let's add it to our current data
if (!alreadyFetched[series.label]) {
alreadyFetched[series.label] = true;
// and plot all we got
$.plot(placeholder, data, options);
url: dataurl,
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: onDataReceived
不,沒有工作:( – mynameisneo 2012-02-22 08:03:37
我測試了這一點,做工精細:http://jsfiddle.net/ryleyb/bdSrc/唯一的區別是,在的jsfiddle我生成的數據,並從jsfiddle反彈它,因爲我沒有一個服務器來獲取數據。 – Ryley 2012-02-22 16:58:59
得到它的工作..非常感謝! – mynameisneo 2012-02-28 04:37:51