//This is your sentence you want to extract the code from
String sentence = "Changes for update of product 0U47NN4XMD8V has been submitted,it may take up to 1 hour for these changes to be reflected";
//This is an array of strings, which is your sentence split by every space,
//hence (" "), it can be (",") or anything else you wanna split by.
//This array has a size of 22 since you can split your sentence into 22 parts for
//every space and it starts at 0 since its Java
String [] parts = sentence.split(" ");
//We want the 6th element so we assign a string our 6th element
//in our array - parts[5] since it is zero based
String extracted = parts[5];
//do stuff
String code = "0U47NN4XMD8V" // Or a get method where this comes from
String message = "Changes for update of Product 0U47NN4XMD8V has been submitted,it may take up to 1 hour for these changes to be reflected";
//do something
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- 2. 如何從URL中提取單詞?
- 3. 如何從行中提取單詞
- 4. 如何提取R中單詞子集的詞頻?
- 5. 單詞嵌入提取
- 6. 提取整個單詞
- 7. 使用Perl提取單詞
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- 11. 從文件中提取單詞但每個單詞一次
- 12. 詞提取
- 13. 如何從域名字符串中提取單詞
- 14. 如何使用python從文本中提取確切的單詞?
- 15. Ruby:如何從字符串中提取單詞
- 16. 如何從python中的元組中提取單詞
- 17. 如何提取句子的最後一個單詞
- 18. 如何從Postgres中的字符串中提取特定單詞
- 19. 如何提取' - '之前的每個單詞與php
- 20. 如何通過模式匹配提取單詞?
- 21. 如何從php中的文本中提取單詞
- 22. 如何從C語言中有效地提取單詞?
- 23. 如何在matlab中用條件提取文本中的單詞?
- 24. 如何從段落中提取相同的單詞
- 25. PHP:試圖找出如何從字符串中提取單詞
- 26. 如何在PHP中使用preg_split()提取單詞和短語?
- 27. Java如何從文本文件中提取單詞?
- 28. 如何從文本文件中提取單詞
- 29. 如何提取某個單詞之後的數據?
- 30. 如何從python中的字符串中提取單詞?
捏,代碼衝刺。徹底混合並在腦中烘烤10-20年。 –
你有沒有試過的代碼?什麼都可以顯示你正在使用什麼樣的系統? –
句子和'單詞'每次都完全一樣嗎?如果是這樣,你可以使用'substring()'和'word'的索引。 –