在Firefox中不適用於我,但它在Chrome中適用。 Chrome瀏覽器顯示帶佈局的圖形。 Firefox顯示圖形,但所有節點混亂在一起。如果我不使用佈局,它看起來與Chrome相同,所以看起來佈局由於某種原因在Firefox中不起作用。Cytoscape.js - layout()在Firefox中不起作用,適用於Chrome
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#cy").attr("foo", "foo");
var cy = cytoscape({
container: $("#cy"),
layout: {
name: 'preset'
style: [
selector: 'node',
style: {
'content': 'data(id)'
selector: "edge",
style: {
"line-color": "data(color)"
selector: ':parent',
style: {
'background-opacity': 0.6
var options = {
name: 'cose',
// Called on `layoutready`
ready: function(){},
// Called on `layoutstop`
stop: function(){},
// Whether to animate while running the layout
animate: true,
// The layout animates only after this many milliseconds
// (prevents flashing on fast runs)
animationThreshold: 250,
// Number of iterations between consecutive screen positions update
// (0 -> only updated on the end)
refresh: 20,
// Whether to fit the network view after when done
fit: true,
// Padding on fit
padding: 30,
// Constrain layout bounds; { x1, y1, x2, y2 } or { x1, y1, w, h }
boundingBox: undefined,
// Randomize the initial positions of the nodes (true) or use existing positions (false)
randomize: false,
// Extra spacing between components in non-compound graphs
componentSpacing: 100,
// Node repulsion (non overlapping) multiplier
nodeRepulsion: function(node){ return 400000; },
// Node repulsion (overlapping) multiplier
nodeOverlap: 10,
// Ideal edge (non nested) length
idealEdgeLength: function(edge){ return 10; },
// Divisor to compute edge forces
edgeElasticity: function(edge){ return 100; },
// Nesting factor (multiplier) to compute ideal edge length for nested edges
nestingFactor: 5,
// Gravity force (constant)
gravity: 80,
// Maximum number of iterations to perform
numIter: 1000,
// Initial temperature (maximum node displacement)
initialTemp: 200,
// Cooling factor (how the temperature is reduced between consecutive iterations
coolingFactor: 0.95,
// Lower temperature threshold (below this point the layout will end)
minTemp: 1.0,
// Pass a reference to weaver to use threads for calculations
weaver: false
{% extends "queryapp/base.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% block title %}Default query page{% endblock %}
{% load static %}
var graphElements = {{ graph_elements|safe }};
<script src="{% static 'skimmr_django/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'queryapp/js/cytoscape.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'queryapp/js/result.js' %}"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'queryapp/css/result.css' %}" />
<div id="cy"></div>
{% endblock %}
例(整件事是太大了,它張貼在這裏全部): {"grabbable": true, "data": {"label-size": 9, "width": 0.4, "color": "#6699CC", "id": "something_about_boy"}, "group": "nodes", "classes": "node-class"},
我也試過Internet Explorer,它不工作。
除非您指定節點的唯一初始位置,否則通常像CoSE這樣的強制佈局不起作用。至少有一個物理力與距離具有平方反比關係,所以當delta距離爲零時,您將獲得無限/未定義的力。我認爲CoSE在這種情況下有一個解決方法,但是在所有節點共享相同位置的情況下可能還不夠。 – maxkfranz
@ maxkfranz:「隨機:真」解決問題嗎? –
如果佈局支持'randomize:true',那麼您可以使用它爲您設置隨機初始位置。 – maxkfranz