2015-08-29 91 views


我試圖設置oracle即時客戶端連接到遠程數據庫。 在進入命令:

/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/bin/sqlplus /@AVAYAPDSDB 


SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Aug 29 12:04:39 2015 

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved. 

ERROR: ORA-28759: failure to open file 


谷歌搜索一段時間和搜索的內容可以幫助我的一切,我意識到,sqlplus的請求的跟蹤將是一個很好的起點。 所以現在它的痕跡看起來是這樣的:

(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] --- TRACE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION FOLLOWS --- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] New trace stream is /tmp/ora/cli_30063.trc 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] New trace level is 16 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] --- TRACE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS --- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION FOLLOWS --- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] Attempted load of system pfile source /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/sqlnet.ora 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] Parameter source loaded successfully 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] Attempted load of local pfile source /root/.sqlnet.ora 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] Parameter source loaded successfully 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] -> PARAMETER TABLE LOAD RESULTS FOLLOW <- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] Successful parameter table load 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] -> PARAMETER TABLE HAS THE FOLLOWING CONTENTS <- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH = FALSE 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] DIAG_ADR_ENABLED = OFF 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] SSL_CIPHER_SUITES = (SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT = SUPPORT 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] SSL_VERSION = 0 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] SQLNET.WALLET_OVERRIDE = TRUE 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH = (TNSNAMES) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (TCPS, BEQ) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] WALLET_LOCATION = (SOURCE = (METHOD = FILE) (METHOD_DATA = (DIRECTORY =/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/AVAYAPDSDB))) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] TRACE_DIRECTORY_CLIENT = /tmp/ora 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] SSL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION = TRUE 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION ENDS --- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION FOLLOWS --- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] Log stream will be "/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/sqlnet.log" 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] Log stream validation not requested 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:133] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS --- 

(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:134] nlstdipi: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:134] nlstdipi: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:134] nigini: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:134] nigini: Count in the NL global area is now 1 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:134] nigini: Count in NI gbl area now: 1 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:134] nrigbi: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:134] nrigbni: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:134] nrigbni: Unable to get data from navigation file tnsnav.ora 
     (1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:135] nigini: Count in NI gbl area now: 3 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:135] nigini: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:135] niqname: Using nnfsn2a() to build connect descriptor for (possibly remote) database. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:135] nnfgiinit: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:135] nncpcin_maybe_init: default name server domain is [root] 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:135] nnfgiinit: Installing read path 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfgsrsp: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfgsrsp: Obtaining path parameter from names.directory_path or native_names.directory_path 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfgsrdp: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfgsrdp: Setting path: 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfgsrdp: checking element TNSNAMES 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfgsrdp: Path set 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfun2a: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nlolgobj: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfgrne: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfgrne: Going though read path adapters 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfgrne: Switching to TNSNAMES adapter 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftboot: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nlpaxini: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nlpaxini: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftmlf_make_local_addrfile: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftmlf_make_local_addrfile: construction of local names file failed 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftmlf_make_system_addrfile: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftmlf_make_system_addrfile: system names file is /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/tnsnames.ora 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftmlf_make_system_addrfile: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftboot: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftrne: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftrne: Original name: AVAYAPDSDB 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfttran: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nncpdpt_dump_ptable: --- /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/tnsnames.ora TABLE HAS THE FOLLOWING CONTENTS --- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nncpdpt_dump_ptable: AVAYAPDSDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS)(HOST = ccpdsdko)(PORT = 2484))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = orastd))) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nncpdpt_dump_ptable: --- END /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/tnsnames.ora TABLE --- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnfttran: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftrne: Using tnsnames.ora address (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS)(HOST = ccpdsdko)(PORT = 2484))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = orastd))) for name AVAYAPDSDB 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:136] nnftrne: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigtrm: Count in the NI global area is now 2 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigtrm: Count in the NL global area is now 2 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: Count in the NL global area is now 3 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: Count in NI gbl area now: 3 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] niqname: Using nnfsn2a() to build connect descriptor for (possibly remote) database. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnfun2a: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nlolgobj: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnfgrne: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnfgrne: Going though read path adapters 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnfgrne: Switching to TNSNAMES adapter 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnftrne: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnftrne: Original name: AVAYAPDSDB 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnfttran: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nncpdpt_dump_ptable: --- /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/tnsnames.ora TABLE HAS THE FOLLOWING CONTENTS --- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nncpdpt_dump_ptable: AVAYAPDSDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS)(HOST = ccpdsdko)(PORT = 2484))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = orastd))) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nncpdpt_dump_ptable: --- END /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/tnsnames.ora TABLE --- 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnfttran: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnftrne: Using tnsnames.ora address (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS)(HOST = ccpdsdko)(PORT = 2484))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = orastd))) for name AVAYAPDSDB 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nnftrne: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nlolfmem: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigtrm: Count in the NI global area is now 2 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigtrm: Count in the NL global area is now 2 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: Count in the NL global area is now 3 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: Count in NI gbl area now: 3 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] niqname: Hst is already an NVstring. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] niqname: Inserting CID. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigtrm: Count in the NI global area is now 2 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigtrm: Count in the NL global area is now 2 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: Count in the NL global area is now 3 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: Count in NI gbl area now: 3 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigini: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] niqname: Hst is already an NVstring. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] niqname: Inserting CID. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] niotns: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] niotns: niotns: setting up interrupt handler... 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:137] nigsui: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nigsui: Set User Interrupt: hdl=1, prc=0x4f9596f0, ctx=0x1bb32d0. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nigsui: exit (0) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] snsgblini: Max no of descriptors supported is 4096 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] snsgblini: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] snldlldl: Couldn't load shared library nque 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] snldlldl: Err: /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/lib/libnque11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] snsbitini_ts: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] snsbitini_ts: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] snsbitini_ts: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] snsbitini_ts: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] niotns: Not trying to enable dead connection detection. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] niotns: Calling address: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)(HOST=ccpdsdko)(PORT=2484)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=orastd)(CID=(PROGRAM=sqlplus)(HOST=cc-allplus.msk.vtb24.ru)(USER=root)))) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nsgettrans_bystring: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nsgettrans_bystring: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nscall: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nsmal: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nsmal: 272 bytes at 0x1bca160 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nsmal: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nscall: connecting... 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] nlad_expand_hst: Expanding ccpdsdko 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:138] snlinGetAddrInfo: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] snlinGetAddrInfo: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] snlinGetNameInfo: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] snlinGetNameInfo: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nlad_expand_hst: Adding IP 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] snlinFreeAddrInfo: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] snlinFreeAddrInfo: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nlad_expand_hst: Result: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)(HOST= 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nladini: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nladini: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nladget: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nladget: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nsmal: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nsmal: 171 bytes at 0x1bcbc50 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nsmal: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nsc2addr: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nsc2addr: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)(HOST= 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] ntzini: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] ntzSetupConnection: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] ntzgbhapip: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] ntzgbhapip: no value for bhapi parameter specified - using default value: "TRUE" 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] ntzgbhapip: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: parameter "trace_level_server" does not exist. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:139] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:140] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:140] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: value retrieved for parameter "trace_level_client": 0. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:140] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:140] nztysgs_genseed: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: parameter "ssl.renegotiate" does not exist. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] ntzSetupConnection: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] ntzSetupConnection: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] ntzgbhapip: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] ntzgbhapip: no value for bhapi parameter specified - using default value: "TRUE" 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] ntzgbhapip: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: parameter "trace_level_server" does not exist. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: value retrieved for parameter "trace_level_client": 0. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:143] nztysgs_genseed: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: parameter "ssl.renegotiate" does not exist. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] nzsuppgp_get_parameter: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] ntzSetupConnection: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] ntzcsgtab: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] ntzcsgtab: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] ntzini: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] nttbnd2addr: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] snlinGetAddrInfo: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] snlinGetAddrInfo: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] nttbnd2addr: using host IP address: 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:146] snlinFreeAddrInfo: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nsopenalloc_nsntx: nlhthput on mplx_ht_nsgbu:ctx=1bd5fe0, nsntx=1bd6610 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nsopenmplx: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nsopen: opening transport... 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] ntzconnect: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] ntzCreateConnection: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcon: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcon: toc = 1 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcnp: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcnp: creating a socket. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcnp: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcni: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcni: Tcp conn timeout = 60000 (ms) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcni: TCP Connect TO enabled. Switching to NB 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttctl: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttctl: Setting connection into non-blocking mode 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcni: trying to connect to socket 4. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] ntt2err: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] ntt2err: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] ntctst: size of NTTEST list is 1 - not calling poll 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] sntpoltst: No of conn to test 1, wait time 60 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] sntpoltst: fd 4 need 1 readiness events 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] sntpoltst: fd 4 has 1 readiness events 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] sntpoltst: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttctl: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttctl: Clearing non-blocking mode 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] snlinGetNameInfo: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] snlinGetNameInfo: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcni: connected on ipaddr 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcni: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcon: NT layer TCP/IP connection has been established. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcon: set TCP_NODELAY on 4 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] nttcon: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] ntzAllocate: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] ntzAllocate: allocating 304 bytes of memory. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:147] ntzAllocate: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzConfigure: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgsvp: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzGetStringParameter: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzGetStringParameter: found value for "ssl_version" configuration parameter: "0" 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzGetStringParameter: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzConvertToNumeric: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzConvertToNumeric: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgsvp: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgcpp: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzAllocate: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzAllocate: allocating 16 bytes of memory. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzAllocate: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzGetStringParameter: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzGetStringParameter: found value for "ssl_cipher_suites" configuration parameter: "SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5" 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzGetStringParameter: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgcpp: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzCreateCipherSpec: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzCreateCipherSpec: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgcap: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgcap: retrieved value "TRUE" for client authentication parameter 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgcap: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzConfigure: client authentication is required. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgwrl: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgwrlFromFile: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzGetStringParameter: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzGetStringParameter: found value for "wallet_location" configuration parameter: "SOURCE = (METHOD = FILE) (METHOD_DATA = (DIRECTORY =/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/AVAYAPDSDB))" 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzGetStringParameter: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzAllocate: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzAllocate: allocating 111 bytes of memory. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzAllocate: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzAllocate: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzAllocate: allocating 63 bytes of memory. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzAllocate: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzgwrlFromFile: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzlogin: Wallet open failed with error 28759 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzlogin: returning NZ error 28759 in result structure 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzlogin: failed with error 540 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzlogin: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzConfigure: failed with error 540 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:148] ntzConfigure: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] ntzCreateConnection: failed with error 540 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] ntzconnect: failed with error 540 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] ntzconnect: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nserror: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nserror: nsres: id=0, op=65, ns=12560, ns2=0; nt[0]=540, nt[1]=0, nt[2]=0; ora[0]=28759, ora[1]=0, ora[2]=0 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsopen: unable to open transport 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbitts_ts: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbitts_ts: acquired the bit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbitts_ts: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsbfr: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsiofrrg: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsiocancel: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsvntx_dei: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsvntx_dei: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsopenfree_nsntx: nlhthdel from mplx_ht_nsgbu, ctx=1bd5fe0 nsntx=1bd6610 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsiocancel: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsiofrrg: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsiofrrg: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsiocancel: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbittrm_ts: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbittrm_ts: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbitts_ts: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbitts_ts: acquired the bit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbitts_ts: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbitcl_ts: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] snsbitcl_ts: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: 2760 bytes at 0x1bd6610 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: 1576 bytes at 0x1bd5fe0 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsopen: error exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsclose: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsclose: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nladget: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nladget: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: 171 bytes at 0x1bcbc50 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: 272 bytes at 0x1bca160 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nsmfr: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nladtrm: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nladtrm: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nscall: error exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nioqper: error from nscall 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nioqper: ns main err code: 12560 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nioqper: ns (2) err code: 0 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nioqper: nt main err code: 540 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nioqper: nt (2) err code: 0 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] nioqper: nt OS err code: 0 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] niomapnserror: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] niqme: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:149] niqme: reporting ORA-28759 error 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] niqme: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] niomapnserror: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] niotns: Couldn't connect, returning 28759 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] niotns: exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nigcui: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nigcui: Clr User Interrupt: hdl=1, prc=0x4f9596f0, ctx=0x1bb32d0. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nigcui: exit (0) 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] snsbittrm_ts: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] snsbittrm_ts: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] snsbittrm_ts: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] snsbittrm_ts: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nsbfrfl: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nsbrfr: entry 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nsbrfr: nsbfs at 0x1bcbfe0, data at 0x1bd70e0. 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nsbrfr: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nsbfrfl: normal exit 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nigtrm: Count in the NI global area is now 2 
(1309189888) [29-AUG-2015 12:04:39:150] nigtrm: Count in the NL global area is now 2 


/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -a -t textrel_shlib_t $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libnque11.so 


[UPD 1] 我/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS)(HOST = ccpdsdko)(PORT = 2484)) 
    (SERVICE_NAME = orastd) 

我/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin /sqlnet.ora

    (SOURCE = 
    (METHOD = FILE) 
    (DIRECTORY =/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/network/admin/AVAYAPDSDB) 



連接用戶名和密碼。 – Mat


如果你的意思是這樣的:'/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/bin/sqlplus記者/記者@ AVAYAPDSDB'比顯示相同的錯誤 – Altenrion


你有一個'libneq11.so.1',你可以符號鏈接到沒有'.1'的同名?不確定這實際上是這裏的問題。跟蹤顯示「錢包打開失敗,28759」,並在幾行之前引用文件或目錄;那是否存在?也許把sqlnet.ora添加到問題中,如果你有錢包文件,請檢查權限。 –



有兩個問題,我與之鬥爭。首先是錢包的URL指向的是比我的文件放置位置高1級的目錄,其次是我使用簡短的連接語法。 我WSA使用這樣的:

# /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/bin/sqlplus /@AVAYAPDSDB 


# /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/bin/sqlplus login/[email protected] 






strace -o /tmp/log_of_trace.txt ./configure 

而不是./con ...您可以調用oracle客戶機連接或任何其他您想跟蹤的進程。在日誌中,您將獲得所有的必要信息和錯誤,以及所有的堆棧跟蹤!這非常有用!




你可以自我接受你的答案。感謝您讓我們更新。 – eckes


只有在創建問題2天后,自我接受纔有可能^ _ ^。但還是要感謝您的幫助和評論。很高興知道你的研究可以對別人有用) – Altenrion