2013-11-28 76 views



from tkinter import * 
from PIL import Image, ImageTk 

def OnBaseButtonPress(event): 
    #record the item and its location 
    drag_data["item"] = c.find_closest(event.x, event.y) 

    i = c.itemcget(drag_data["item"], "image") #finds the image source of the object 
    refs.append(i) #keep a reference! 
    c.create_image(c.coords(drag_data["item"]), image=i, tags="base") #creates an identical object at the position 

    drag_data["x"] = event.x 
    drag_data["y"] = event.y 

def OnBaseButtonRelease(event): 
    #reset drag info 
    drag_data["item"] = None 
    drag_data["x"] = 0 
    drag_data["y"] = 0 

def OnBaseMotion(event): 
    #calculate how far the item has moved 
    delta_x = event.x - drag_data["x"] 
    delta_y = event.y - drag_data["y"] 
    #move the object that amount 
    c.move(drag_data["item"], delta_x, delta_y) 
    #record the new position 
    drag_data["x"] = event.x 
    drag_data["y"] = event.y 

#set up canvas and image 
root = Tk() 
c = Canvas(root, width=800, height=600) 
test = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("test.png")) 
c.create_image(400, 300, image=test, tags="base") 
refs=[] #used to keep references to images used in functions 

#bind mouse keys 
c.tag_bind("base", "<ButtonPress-1>", OnBaseButtonPress) 
c.tag_bind("base", "<ButtonRelease-1>", OnBaseButtonRelease) 
c.tag_bind("base", "<B1-Motion>", OnBaseMotion) 

drag_data={"x": 0, "y": 0, "item": None} 


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