2012-11-16 99 views

我想一個jQuery插件tabslideout添加到我的Drupal 7個網站(主題 它解釋了很多次了,我用this example爲Drupal 7,但它並不在我的網站工作。 我絕對的菜鳥,我不能讓我的周圍的PHP頭,看來我不能得到的功能工作。實現tabslideout使用Drupal 7



<script type="text/javascript"> 
    tabHandle: '.handle',      //class of the element that will become your tab 
    pathToTabImage: 'sites/all/themes/temp3/images/contact_tab.gif', //path to the image for the tab //Optionally can be set using css 
    imageHeight: '122px',      //height of tab image    //Optionally can be set using css 
    imageWidth: '40px',      //width of tab image   //Optionally can be set using css 
    tabLocation: 'left',      //side of screen where tab lives, top, right, bottom, or left 
    speed: 300,        //speed of animation 
    action: 'click',       //options: 'click' or 'hover', action to trigger animation 
    topPos: '200px',       //position from the top/ use if tabLocation is left or right 
    leftPos: '20px',       //position from left/ use if tabLocation is bottom or top 
    fixedPosition: false      //options: true makes it stick(fixed position) on scroll 


<div class="slide-out-div"> 
<a class="handle" href="http://link-for-non-js-users.html">Content</a> 
<h3>Contact me</h3> 
<p>Thanks for checking out my jQuery plugin, I hope you find this useful. 
<p>This can be a form to submit feedback, or contact info</p> 


.slide-out-div { 
padding: 20px; 
width: 250px; 
background: #ccc; 
border: 1px solid #29216d; 



<script type="text/javascript"> 
(function($) { 
Drupal.behaviors.tabslideout = { 
    attach: function() { 
$('.slide-out-div').tabSlideOut { 
    tabHandle: '.handle',      //class of the element that will become your tab 
    pathToTabImage: 'sites/all/modules/tabslideout/images/contact_tab.gif', //path to the image for the tab //Optionally can be set using css 
    imageHeight: '122px',      //height of tab image   //Optionally can be set using css 
    imageWidth: '40px',      //width of tab image   //Optionally can be set using css 
    tabLocation: 'left',      //side of screen where tab lives, top, right, bottom, or left 
    speed: 300,        //speed of animation 
    action: 'click',       //options: 'click' or 'hover', action to trigger animation 
    topPos: '200px',       //position from the top/ use if tabLocation is left or right 
    leftPos: '20px',       //position from left/ use if tabLocation is bottom or top 
    fixedPosition: true      //options: true makes it stick(fixed position) on scroll 


我相信一定有完全不同的東西我都沒有想到過的,因爲我根本不知道,這讓專家大聲笑;) 在同一頁中包含一個「flexslider」元素。

/////////////非常感謝任何評論/建議! //////////////////////




<script type="text/javascript"> 
(function($) { 
Drupal.behaviors.tabslideout = { 
    attach: function() { 
$('.slide-out-div').tabSlideOut { 
tabHandle: '.handle',      //class of the element that will become your tab 
pathToTabImage: 'sites/all/modules/tabslideout/images/contact_tab.gif', //path to the image for the tab //Optionally can be set using css 
imageHeight: '122px',      //height of tab image   //Optionally can be set using css 
imageWidth: '40px',      //width of tab image   //Optionally can be set using css 
tabLocation: 'left',      //side of screen where tab lives, top, right, bottom, or left 
speed: 300,        //speed of animation 
action: 'click',       //options: 'click' or 'hover', action to trigger animation 
topPos: '200px',       //position from the top/ use if tabLocation is left or right 
leftPos: '20px',       //position from left/ use if tabLocation is bottom or top 
fixedPosition: true      //options: true makes it stick(fixed position) on scroll 



<script type="text/javascript"> 
$('.slide-out-div').tabSlideOut { 
    tabHandle: '.handle',      //class of the element that will become your tab 
    pathToTabImage: 'sites/all/modules/tabslideout/images/contact_tab.gif', //path to the image for the tab //Optionally can be set using css 
    imageHeight: '122px',      //height of tab image   //Optionally can be set using css 
    imageWidth: '40px',      //width of tab image   //Optionally can be set using css 
    tabLocation: 'left',      //side of screen where tab lives, top, right, bottom, or left 
    speed: 300,        //speed of animation 
    action: 'click',       //options: 'click' or 'hover', action to trigger animation 
    topPos: '200px',       //position from the top/ use if tabLocation is left or right 
    leftPos: '20px',       //position from left/ use if tabLocation is bottom or top 
    fixedPosition: true      //options: true makes it stick(fixed position) on scroll 



如果這不起作用,請嘗試刪除 .next()。hide();



你好 - 非常感謝 - 我已經嘗試了兩種選擇,但不幸的是它沒有工作。我不知道爲什麼,但它只加載文本在div中,沒有js ...你知道該函數的代碼是如何直接從page.tpl.php中加載jquery腳本的... ? – dscientific