我正試圖在ggplot2中創建一個圖。下面是數據,命名problem_accept_df:ggplot2 y值的間距
Order Application probscore
1 Integrated 0.8333333
1 Tabbed 0.7777778
2 Integrated 0.8965517
2 Tabbed 0.7777778
3 Integrated 0.7931034
3 Tabbed 0.7777778
4 Integrated 0.7
4 Tabbed 0.6538462
5 Integrated 0.9285714
5 Tabbed 0.8333333
6 Integrated 0.9310345
6 Tabbed 0.8148148
7 Integrated 0.8571429
7 Tabbed 0.8518519
8 Integrated 0.9333333
8 Tabbed 0.6923077
9 Integrated 0.9310345
9 Tabbed 0.8461538
10 Integrated 0.9285714
10 Tabbed 0.8
ggplot(problem_accept_df, aes(x=Order, y=probscore, color=Application,
group=Application)) +
xlab('Order') +
ylab('Problem scores') +
geom_line(position=pd, size=2) +
geom_point(position=pd, size=4) +
labs(title='Acceptable proportion of problem scores')
該地塊創建的,而是顯示在y值等間隔的刻度標記,即使這些值不是等分的。該圖還顯示每個單獨的y值而不是範圍。我試圖改變(scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0.5, 1, 0.1))
),但我收到錯誤消息Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale
謝謝 - 它修復了間距,但現在它錯誤地繪製了值。我猜,更好地堅持qplot。 – user1895691
@ user1895691:你說的「不正確」是什麼意思? – krlmlr
我的意思是點在錯誤的地方。例如,「Tabbed」的最終值爲0.8,但該點出現在0.85。 – user1895691