Project.find_by_sql("select p.name as n,u.firstname,sum(i.estimated_hours) as es,(select sum(hours) as hours from time_entries where time_entries.user_id = u.id and time_entries.project_id = p.id) as spenthours from users u inner join members m on (m.user_id= :id)inner join projects p on p.id = m.project_id inner join issues i on i.assigned_to_id = u.id and i.project_id = p.id group by p.id,u.id",{:id => params[:id]})
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql2::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':id inner join projects p on p.id = m.project_id inner join issues i on i.assign' at line 1: