2014-10-31 51 views

使用Excel VBA我希望能夠將excel中的兩個表與一個公共密鑰相結合。我建議將ADODB作爲一種方法,但我願意接受任何其他更高效/優雅的方法。請參閱下面的一個小例子:在Excel中使用VBA合併兩個表



A  B  C 
1 type year1 year2 
2 aaa 100  110 
3 bbb 220  240 
4 ccc 304  200 
5 ddd 20  30 
6 eee 440  20 


A  B  C 
1 type year1 year2 
2 bbb 10  76 
3 ccc 44  39 
4 ddd 50  29 
5 eee 22  23 
6 fff 45  55 



A  B  C  D  E 
1 type year1 year2 year1 year2 
2 aaa 100  110  0  0 
3 bbb 220  240  10  76 
4 ccc 304  200  44  39 
5 ddd 20  30  50  29 
6 eee 440  20  22  23 
7 fff 0  0  45  55 



Option Explicit 

Sub JoinTables() 

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection 
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection 

With cn 
    .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" 
    .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";" & _ 
     "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;" 
End With 

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset 
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset 

rs.Open "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] OUTER JOIN [Sheet2$] ON [Sheet1$].[type] = " & _ 
    "[Sheet2$].[type]", cn 

With Worksheets("Sheet3") 
    .Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs 
End With 


End Sub 

代碼... – 2014-10-31 11:57:35


漂亮!現在這是一個更好的問題。 – 2014-10-31 11:59:07


告訴你什麼 - *'完整的外部連接'*在VBA中不被ADODB支持我想爲什麼不在[HERE](http:// stackoverflow。com/questions/6998423/full-join-on-ms-access),也許你可以自己想出一個解決方案? – 2014-10-31 12:26:53




  • 獲取SourceSheet1 &的LASTROW SourceSheet2 - 將它們設置爲變量lastRow1 & lastRow2
  • 爲每個表的行股票。 s1Row,s2Row,tRow
  • set tRow = 2對於TargetSheet的第一行
  • 使用For循環遍歷SourceSheet1的每一行。使用類似這樣的代碼
  • 當代碼的第一部分完成循環時,您將完成將SourceSheet1中的每個項目添加到TargetSheet中。然後,你將不得不檢查SourceSheet2中的值,看看是否有唯一的列表。
  • 完成後,您應該只添加最初搜索時丟失的那些。然後targetSheet將在SourceSheet1的訂單的所有項目,然後從SourceSheet2額外的項目


Private Sub JoinLists() 

Dim rng As Range 
Dim typeName As String 
Dim matchCount As Integer 
Dim s1Row As Integer 
Dim s2Row As Integer 
Dim tRow As Integer 
Dim m As Integer 
Dim lastRow1 As Integer 
Dim lastRow2 As Integer 
Dim SourceSheet1 As String 
Dim SourceSheet2 As String 
Dim TargetSheet As String 

SourceSheet1 = "Source1" 
SourceSheet2 = "Source2" 
TargetSheet = "Target" 

tRow = 2 

lastRow1 = Sheets(SourceSheet1).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row 
lastRow2 = Sheets(SourceSheet2).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row 

PHASE ONE:複製從Sheet1中的每個條目到目標,而從Sheet2中抓住比賽

Set rng = Sheets(SourceSheet2).Range("A2:A" & lastRow2) 

For s1Row = 2 To lastRow1 
    typeName = Sheets(SourceSheet1).Cells(s1Row, 1) 
    matchCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, typeName) 

    'Set the Row up on the TargetSheet. No matter if it's a match. 
    Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 1) = typeName 
    Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 2) = Sheets(SourceSheet1).Cells(s1Row, 2) 
    Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 3) = Sheets(SourceSheet1).Cells(s1Row, 3) 

    'Check to see if there are any matches on SourceSheet2 

    If matchCount = 0 Then 
    'There are NO matches. Add Zeros to the extra columns 
     Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 4) = 0 
     Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 5) = 0 
     'Get first matching occurance on the SourceSheet2 
     m = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(typeName, rng, 0) 
     'Get Absolute Row number of that match 
     s2Row = m + 1 ' This takes into account the Header Row, as index 1 is Row 2 of the search Range 
     'Set the extra columns on TargetSheet to the Matches on SourceSheet2 
     Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 4) = Sheets(SourceSheet1).Cells(s2Row, 2) 
     Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 5) = Sheets(SourceSheet1).Cells(s2Row, 3) 
    End If 

    tRow = tRow + 1 
Next s1Row 


Set rng = Sheets(SourceSheet1).Range("A2:A" & lastRow1) 

For s2Row = 2 To lastRow2 
    typeName = Sheets(SourceSheet2).Cells(s2Row, 1) 
    matchCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, typeName) 

    If matchCount = 0 Then 
    'There are NO matches. Add to Target Sheet 
     Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 1) = typeName 
     Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 2) = 0 
     Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 3) = 0 
     Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 4) = Sheets(SourceSheet2).Cells(s2Row, 2) 
     Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(tRow, 5) = Sheets(SourceSheet2).Cells(s2Row, 3) 
     tRow = tRow + 1 
    'Not doing anything for the matches, because they were already added. 
    End If 
Next s2Row 
End Sub 

Finished Tested Code Results
