2011-12-15 77 views
SHIPS = (('AirCraftCarrier', 5), ('Battleship', 4), 
     ('Submarine', 3), ('Destroyer', 3), ('PatrolBoat', 2)) 
position = ('v', 'h') 

def setShip(self, board, graphics): 
     maxval = board.getSize() - 1 
     coords = [] 
     sizes = [(v) for k, v in SHIPS] 
     for i in sizes: 
      legal = False 
      while not legal: 
       pos = choice(position) 
       if pos == 'v': 
        x = randint(0, maxval-1) 
        y = some kind of code to change y while keeping x same 
       if pos == 'h': 
        x = some kind of code to change x while keeping y same 
        y = randint(0, maxval-1) 

       if not board.isOccupied(x, y): 
        legal = True 
        coords.append((pos, x, y)) 
      #return grid.displayShip(x, y) 
      return coords 



你只有改變的Y值不隨x做任何事情,是不是你需要什麼?所以就像`如果pos =='v':y = newy`,沒有提及x。 – yosukesabai 2011-12-16 03:30:28




def setShip(self, board, graphics): 
     maxval = board.getSize() - 1 
     coords = [] 
     sizes = [v for k, v in SHIPS] 
     for i in sizes: 
      legal = False 
      x = randint(0, maxval-1) 
      y = randint(0, maxval-1) 
      pos = choice(position) 
      while not legal: 
       if pos == 'v': 
        y = y+1 if y < 9 else 0 
       if pos == 'h': 
        x = x+1 if x < 9 else 0 
       if not board.isOccupied(x, y): 
        legal = True 
        coords.append((pos, x, y)) 

      return coords 

請注意,我也限制了職位可以承擔的價值。如果船隻從一側消失,它將從另一側出現。這個代碼的問題是,船總是在一個方向(從0 - > 9)。你應該改變這可能選擇你想要的方向。例如:

sense = choice([1, -1]) 


y = y + sense if y < 9 else 0 