我有一個文本框,其中禁止輸入字符。 #。按下箭頭鍵時光標正在跳躍
$('[id$=txtClient]').keyup(function() {
EnableClientValidateButton(); // When the textbox changes, the user has the ability to validate the client
ChangeColorClient("0"); // The color is changed to white, to notify the user the client is not validated yet.
var $el = $('[id$=txtClient]'); // the text element to seach for forbidden characters.
var text = $el.val(); // The value of the textbox
text = text.split("#").join("");//remove occurances of forbidden characters, in this case #
$el.val(text);//set it back on the element
你阻止他們進入#的方式是錯誤的。你應該檢查keyup並且不要在那裏允許#鍵。 – Archer
我該怎麼做? –
只是讓你演示,但克里斯托弗先到那裏:) – Archer