錯誤1個錯誤LNK2019:無法解析的外部符號 「私人:BOOL __thiscall樹:: insertHelper(類樹節點* &,INT)」(insertHelper @ $樹3 H @@ AAE_NAAPAV $ @樹節點H +??? @ H @ Z)在函數「public:bool __thiscall Tree :: insert(int)」(?insert @?$ Tree @ H @@ QAE_NH @ Z)中引用C:\ Users \ wm \ documents \ visual studio 2012 \ Projects \二叉樹\二叉樹\ main.obj
- 基本主要用於測試
#include "BinarySearchTree.h"
#include "TreeNode.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
Tree<int> test;
return 0;
- 樹模板
#include <iostream>
#include "TreeNode.h"
using namespace std;
template< class ItemType >
class Tree {
bool isEmpty() const;
void makeEmpty();
bool insert(ItemType newItem);
bool retrieve(ItemType searchItem, ItemType & foundItem);
bool deleteItem (ItemType deleteItem);
void print();
TreeNode<ItemType> * rootPtr; // pointer to the root
//utility functions
void printHelper(TreeNode<ItemType> *);
bool insertHelper(TreeNode<ItemType> * & node, ItemType item);
bool deleteHelper(TreeNode<ItemType> * & , ItemType);
void deleteNode(TreeNode<ItemType > * &);
bool retrieveHelper(ItemType, TreeNode<ItemType> * & , ItemType &);
template<class ItemType>
rootPtr = NULL;
template<class ItemType>
template<class ItemType>
bool Tree<ItemType>::isEmpty() const
//Returns True if the tree is empty, otherwise returns false
//Postcondition: Tree is unchanged.
if(rootPtr == NULL)
return true;
return false;
template<class ItemType>
void Tree<ItemType>::makeEmpty()
//Makes the tree empty if it is not empty already.
//Preconditions: The tree exists.
//Postconditions: Tree is now empty. Any dynamically allocated memory which is no longer used is returned to the system.
template<class ItemType>
bool Tree<ItemType>::insert(ItemType newItem)
// Inserts a copy of newItem in the tree.
//Precondition: The tree exists and has binary search property.
//Postcondition: if the tree already has an item where item == newItem, the function returns false and the trre is unchanged.
//Otherwise, the newItem is inserted in the tree preserving and the binary search property is maintained.
if(rootPtr == NULL)
rootPtr->data = newItem;
return true;
return insertHelper(rootPtr, newItem);
template<class ItemType>
bool insertHelper(TreeNode<ItemType> * & node, ItemType item)
if(item < node->data)//left
if(node->leftPtr == NULL)
node->leftPtr = new TreeNode<ItemType>(item);
return true;
return insertHelper(node->leftPtr,item);
else if(node->data < item)//right
if(node->righChild == NULL)
node->rightPtr = new TreeNode<ItemType>(item);
return true;
return insertHelper(node->rightPtr,item);
else// same value
return false;
template<class ItemType>
bool Tree<ItemType>::retrieve(ItemType searchItem, ItemType & foundItem)
// Given a searchItem, it tries to retrieve as foundItem, an item in the tree where the item == searchItem.
// Precondition:The tree exists and has the binary search property.
// Postcondition: If the tree already has an item where item == searchItem, foundItem is set to that item, and the function returns true.
// If the tree has no such item, the function returns false and foundItem remains unchanged. The tree is unchanged.
template<class ItemType>
bool Tree<ItemType>::deleteItem (ItemType deleteItem)
// Given a deleteItem, it deltes from the tree any item where item == deleteItem.
// Precondition: Tree exists and has binary search property.
// Postcondition: If the tree has an item where item == deleteItem, that item is removed from the tree, and the function returns true, and
// the binary search property is maintained. If the tree has no such item, the function returns false and the tree remains unchanged.
template<class ItemType>
void Tree<ItemType>::print()
// Prints the items in the tree in ascending order to the screen
// Precondition: The tree exists and has binary search property.
// Postcondition: The items have been printed in ascending order and the tree is unchanged
template<class ItemType>
void printHelper(TreeNode<ItemType> *)
template<class ItemType>
bool deleteHelper(TreeNode<ItemType> * & , ItemType)
template<class ItemType>
void deleteNode(TreeNode<ItemType > * &)
template<class ItemType>
bool retrieveHelper(ItemType, TreeNode<ItemType> * & , ItemType &)
#ifndef TREENODE_H
#define TREENODE_H
template< class ItemType > class Tree; // forward declarations
template<class ItemType>
class TreeNode {
friend class Tree<ItemType>; // make Tree a friend
TreeNode(ItemType); // constructor
TreeNode(); // constructor with data uninitialized
ItemType getData() const; // return data in the node
ItemType data;
TreeNode<ItemType> *leftPtr;
TreeNode<ItemType> *rightPtr;
// Constructor
template<class ItemType>
TreeNode<ItemType>::TreeNode(ItemType newItem)
data = newItem;
leftPtr = NULL;
rightPtr = NULL;
template<class ItemType>
leftPtr = NULL;
rightPtr = NULL;
// Return a copy of the data in the node
template< class ItemType >
ItemType TreeNode<ItemType>::getData() const
return data;
值得注意的是,std :: set與樹具有相同的屬性。在插入/查找/刪除方面 – 2013-05-12 05:47:42
PS:當你得到它的工作。您可能需要完整的代碼審查。看到http://codereview.stackexchange.com/ – 2013-05-12 06:05:05